F1.2 Estimate and calculate the cost of transactions involving multiple items priced in dollars and cents, including sales tax, using various strategies.

Activity 1: The Count is Good

Present students with the following scenario:

Azelie buys scrapbooking materials. The total amount is $46.80 before tax. In her wallet, she has two $20 bills, two $10 bills and a $5 bill. What will be the cost of her materials when taxes are added? What change should she receive?

Activity 2: Before Tax, After Tax

Ask students the following questions:

  • What items do you not need to pay HST on?
  • What taxes make up the HST?
  • How can you tell if a price already includes HST?
  • Do you think the HST should be taken into consideration when buying something?
  • Does the HST have a greater impact on smaller prices or larger prices? Why?
  • Is the rate of HST the same across Canada?

Ask students to estimate and calculate the cost, including taxes, of various items found online or in a flyer. Be sure to offer prices in dollars and cents, for example, $2.10, $25.50, $75.99, $150, $599.98, etc.

Then have students check their calculations using the HST calculator. Close the activity with a discussion about the effect of adding taxes to purchases, going back to the original questions.