C2. Equations and Inequalities:

Demonstrate an understanding of variables, expressions, equalities, and inequalities, and apply this understanding in various contexts.

Learning Situation: What a Nice Surprise!

Duration: 125 minutes


In this learning situation, students represent the contents of two goody bags using semi-concrete materials, words, and symbols. They then write a mathematical sentence to represent the quantities of objects in these bags and check if it is true.

Note: This activity is best introduced as you begin to symbolically represent concrete addition situations with mathematical sentences.

Overall Expectations Specific Expectations
C2. Equations and Inequalities
Demonstrate an understanding of variables, expressions, equalities, and inequalities, and apply this understanding in various contexts.

C2.2 Determine whether given pairs of addition and subtraction expressions are equivalent or not.

C2.3 Identify and use equivalent relationships for whole numbers up to 50, in various contexts.


The purpose of this learning situation is to have students:

  • represent equivalent relationships in different ways;
  • make a connection between different representations of quantities and the corresponding mathematical sentences.
Learning Situation Prior Learning
Understanding the concept of equivalence is essential to the development of algebraic reasoning. Therefore, students need to experience a variety of situations in which they will practice recognizing, defining, creating, and establishing an equivalence.

It is important to help them to understand that the symbol for equality, the = sign, which reads "is equal to", means that the numbers or expressions on either side of the = sign represent the same quantity. Using students' prior knowledge, teachers should encourage students to explore different representations of the same equality situation.

To be able to complete this learning situation, students must:
  • count small quantities of objects;
  • orally describe situations of equality;
  • use a 10 frame to represent quantities;
  • recognize and use the addition (+) and equality (=) symbols.


  • two goody bags containing 10 items each (the first bag containing three different types of items and the second containing two different types of items)
  • large sheets of paper (one per student)
  • 10 frames (two per student)

Mathematical Vocabulary

Equality situation, as much as, is equal to, is not equal to, equal quantities, equality symbol, = sign, mathematical sentence

Before Learning (Warm-Up)

Duration: approximately 50 minutes

Introduce the situation to students by saying:

I found two goody bags at home. I wrote the letter A on the first bag and the letter B on the second. Let's see what's in each bag.

Place bags A and B in front of the students. Ask a student to take out the objects in bag A and describe them. Ask another student to do the same with bag B. Use this opportunity to introduce new words to the students, such as kaleidoscope and spinning top.).

Ask students the following question:

  • How could you arrange the items in each goody bag to compare the number of items of each kind?" (By grouping identical items together, as shown in the photos below).

Goody bag A :

Surprise bag « A » that contains different objects: 4 spinners, 4 birthday balloons, and 2 game cards.

4 spinning tops, 4 balls and 2 decks of cards

Goody bag B :

Surprise bag « B » that contains different objects: 6 kaleidoscope and 4 game cards.

Source : Guide d’enseignement efficace des mathématiques de la maternelle à la 3e année, p. 131.

6 kaleidoscopes and 4 card games

  • How many of each kind of item are in the goody bags?

Ask students to suggest a way to represent the contents of the goody bags without using the objects themselves and without using numbers. Most students will suggest drawing the objects. Continue the discussion to find other possible representations.

Give each student a large sheet of paper. Have them draw a line down the center of the paper to divide it in half, then write "Goody Bag A" and "Goody Bag B" at the top of each section.

Ask students to represent the contents of each goody bag in different ways. If they choose to draw the objects to represent them, emphasize that it is not necessary to focus on perfect execution of the drawings.

Circulate and ask questions

Circulate among the students and intervene, if necessary, by asking questions such as:

  • You have represented the objects with drawings. Could you now represent them differently?

Here are some representations in progress.

Representation Modes



A drawing of a sequence of each item found in surprise bag « A » and « B ». The sequence is shown with a drawing of game cards, spinners, and balloons.


A drawing of a sequence of each item found in surprise bag A and B. The sequence is shown with the first letter of each item in the bag.

Words and drawings

A drawing of each item found in surprise bag « A » and « B ». The sequence is shown with a drawing and the name of each item.

Invite students to present and explain their representations, whether they are conventional or not, as they make sense to them; for example, one student indicates that she has chosen to represent the four spinning tops with the letter "D", since it is the 4th letter of the alphabet. Lead this student to understand the ineffectiveness of her representation by asking her to explain how she would symbolize the four balloons.

A drawing of a sequence that include the item and the first letter of the item. An arrow points to the letters.

Once students have completed the various representations, ask for volunteers to present them to others. Ask them questions to compare and relate the various representations, such as:

  • What is similar between the drawing and letter representations? Between the letter and word representations? (They represent the same quantities of objects.)
  • What is different between the representations? (The mode of representation differs, either drawings, letters or words)

Active Learning (Exploration)

Duration: approximately 45 minutes

Review with students the contents of each goody bag and the representations made (drawings, words, letters) during the warm-up. If the 10 frame was not used to represent the quantities of objects in the goodie bags, suggest that students use it to represent the quantities of objects in goodie bag A.

Model the following example: I represent the four spinning tops in goody bag A by drawing a dot in four of the boxes in the frame.

A drawing that shows how a drawing can be represented in a grid table. Grid table has 4 green circles to illustrate the 4 spinners.

By using the 10 frame, students are introduced to a more symbolic representation of a number of objects, which calls on their capacity for abstraction.

Give each student two 10 frames and ask them to represent the contents of one of the goody bags on one frame and the other bag on the second frame.

A drawing representation of surprise bag « A ». The grid table has ten squares, 4 circles are green, 4 circles are blue, and 2 are black.A drawing representation of surprise bag « B ». The grid table has ten squares, 6 red circles and 4 green circles.

Possible Observations

Possible interventions

To represent the objects, students draw them or write words or letters in each box of the frame.

The grid table with ten squares represents the item in words: 5 spinners, 4 balloons, and one game card.

Point out to students that they have already represented objects in this way on their large paper.

Invite students to come up with a more effective way to represent the objects in their 10-square frame.

If necessary, remind students that quantities can be represented in a 10 frame using dots.

Some students use a single color to represent the different objects in the 10-square frame. Others add the first letter of the object's name next to each dot.

A grid table with ten squares represents the items with a black circle and a word. 4 « B », 4 « T », 2 « C ».

Encourage students to use a different colour for each kind of object, pointing out that it is difficult to distinguish between kinds of objects if they are all represented by the same colour.

Point out that the coloured dots make it easier to see the quantity of each object.

2 grid table with ten squares represents the items with different circle colors. Table one: 6 orange circles, 4 purple circles. Table 2: 4 blue circles and 6 green circles.

Source : Guide d’enseignement efficace des mathématiques de la maternelle à la 3e année, p. 134.

Present one of the 10 frames with dots that correctly represent the contents of goody bag A. Encourage students to relate the number of dots in the frame to the amount of items in goody bag A by asking questions such as:

  • How many green dots are there in the 10 frame?
  • Which objects in the bag are represented by the green dots?
  • Are there the same amount of dots as balloons?
  • Can you recognize them in the 10 frame?
  • How many dots are there in the 10 frame?
  • How many items are in the goody bag A?

Point out to students that the number of dots in the 10 frame is equal to the number of objects in the goody bag A.

Next, present a 10 frame with dots that correctly represent the contents of goody bag B and ask the same questions to relate the number of dots in the frame to the number of items in the bag.

Then ask students to represent the amount of objects in each goody bag using two different math sentences. A math sentence is a symbolic expression that represents a relationship.

Here are some possible mathematical phrases for each goody bag.

Mathematical representation of the item in the surprise bag « A ». The equation: 4, plus, 2, plus, 4, equals, ten. 2, plus, 4, plus, 4, equals, ten. Mathematical representation of the item in the surprise bag « B ». The equation: 4, plus, 6, equals, ten. 6 plus, 4, equals, ten.

Source : Guide d’enseignement efficace des mathématiques de la maternelle à la 3e année, p. 135.

It is important to represent the same equality situation with different mathematical sentences. In this way, students will understand that the = sign is not only used to introduce an answer to an operation; it also expresses the relationship that exists between the numbers or expressions on either side of the sign.

Possible Observations

Possible interventions

The student writes mathematical sentences that do not represent the quantities of objects in the goody bags.

Ask the student what the numbers represent in their math sentences.

Ask the student to count the spinning tops in the goody bag A and write the number corresponding to that quantity. Continue this questioning for the balloons and the card games.

Ask the student to name the sign they should write to indicate that these quantities are collected in the same goody bag (the + sign) and the sign they should write to indicate that the expression is the sum of all the objects collected (the = sign).

Some students fail to write the + or = signs.

Ask students to read their math sentences aloud. Point out that they have said plus and equals, but that the corresponding symbols do not appear in their math sentences. Ask them to add them in the appropriate places.

Students write only one mathematical sentence.

Suggest that students change the order in which the objects were counted and write a new math sentence.

Source : Guide d’enseignement efficace des mathématiques de la maternelle à la 3e année, p. 136.

Consolidation of Learning

Duration: approximately 30 minutes

The items in surprise bag « A » and « B » is represented in 2 photos « A » and « B ». The arrow shows the displacement of the game card in photo « B ».

Source : Guide d’enseignement efficace des mathématiques de la maternelle à la 3e année, p. 137.

Ask a student to present one of their mathematical sentences corresponding to the contents of the goody bag A and to explain the meaning of the symbols; for example, in the mathematical sentence 4 + 4 + 2 = 10 :

  • The first 4 represents the number of balloons.
  • The second 4 represents the number of spinning tops.
  • The 2 represents the number of decks of cards.
  • The + sign represents the collection of objects in the goody bag A.
  • The sign = means that the quantities represented on either side of the sign are equal.

Ask another student to write and explain a different mathematical sentence to represent the objects in the goody bag A. If no one has come up with a different sentence, move the decks of cards.

Then ask a student to come up and write a mathematical sentence that represents this other situation, i.e. 2 + 4 + 4 = 10 or 10 = 2 + 4 + 4.

Encourage students to compare the sentences 4 + 4 + 2 = 10 and 2 + 4 + 4 = 10 by asking questions such as:

  • Do the two mathematical sentences represent the contents of the goody bag A?
  • Are the two mathematical sentences true? How do you know?

Note: This question prompts students to check whether the numerical expressions on either side of the sign represent the relationship it indicates (in this situation, it is the = sign). If so, the mathematical sentence is said to be true.

If necessary, suggest that a student use one of the pictures or objects in the goody bag to demonstrate.

Introduce other math sentences or have a student change the order of the objects, write the corresponding math sentence, and show how it represents the objects in Goody Bag A.

Follow the same process to write the math sentences that represent the contents of goody bag B; for example, depending on which object is chosen first (the kaleidoscopes or the card games), the math sentences might be:

6 + 4 = 10

4 + 6 = 10

If students explain that the objects are already together, they could also write the math sentences:

10 = 4 + 6

10 = 6 + 4

It is important to present the different mathematical sentences that represent the same equality situation to help students understand that a relationship can be represented in different ways.

Then ask students questions related to concrete and symbolic representations of the contents of the two goody bags such as:

  • Do the two goody bags contain equal amounts of items? How do you know? (Yes, since each bag contains a total of 10 items.)

For each of the goody bags, choose a math sentence that represents its contents and combine these two sentences to form a new one; for example, combine the sentences 2 + 4 + 4 = 10 and 6 + 4 = 10 to form the sentence 2 + 4 + 4 = 6 + 4.

The mathematical equation is written of the board: 2, plus, 4, plus, 4, equals, 6, plus, 4.

Write this sentence on the board and ask students questions such as:

  • Are the numerical expressions 2 + 4 + 4 and 6 + 4 equal? How do you know? (Because each represents the contents of one of the goody bags and we know that each bag contains 10 items)

When the quantities of the two goody bags are compared, the situation is one of equivalence.

To justify the equality, some students might point out the relationships between the numbers on either side of the = sign by saying, "There is a number 4 on each side of the = sign. The expression 2 + 4 that is on the left side is equal to the 6 that is on the right side."

Extension: New Surprises!

This activity helps students deepen the concept of equality by constructing various representations of a given equality situation. Repeating this type of activity throughout the year helps students see equality as a relationship between numerical expressions on either side of the = sign.

Put 10 small items into resealable plastic bags in advance, making sure to include at least four different kinds of items in each bag.

Form teams of two. Give each team one of the plastic bags containing 10 small objects, a paper plate, a large sheet of paper and a 10-square frame. Ask the teams to arrange the contents of their bag on the plate and represent the quantity of objects in different ways, as they did with the goody bags A and B in the learning situation.

Here are some examples of possible representations:

A student sitting at his desk, various items were assigned to him on a paper plate. The student creates a grid table to represent the sequence of the items with different color circles.A drawing of items drawn in a sequencing pattern. The legends indicate ‘’ Each object is drawn, the quantity of drawings corresponding to the quantity of objects’’ A drawing which the objects are represented with letters in a sequencing pattern. The legend indicates ‘’ Each object is represented by the first letter of its name, the amount of letters corresponding to the amount of object.’’. ‘’The name of each object is written, followed by the number representing its quantity.’’. A grid table of ten squares. The legend indicates ‘’ The quantities are represented in a box with ten squares by the first letter of the name of the object and by a coloured dot. ‘’ ‘’The quantities are represented by a mathematical expression.’'

Circulate and Ask Questions

Invite students to share their reasoning by asking questions such as:

  • Why did you group the same objects together? (To make the same kinds of objects easier to count)
  • How do you represent the quantities of each kind of object?
  • How are your representations similar? How are they different?
  • What mathematical phrase could represent the quantities of objects?
  • Is this mathematical statement true? How can you tell?
  • Can you write another mathematical sentence to represent the same objects? What is it?

As a class, review the various types of representations used by the students, following the same type of approach and questioning used during the learning situation. Ensure that they make the connection between the concrete representation and the mathematical sentence. Target the modes of representation that the students did not use in order to explain them again.

Compare one team's math sentence, such as 2 + 2 + 1 + 5 = 10, with the math sentence that represented the objects in the goody bag B (4 + 6 = 10) and write them on the board side by side.

Ask questions such as:

  • What is similar about the two mathematical sentences? (Both represent a situation of equality involving 10 objects.)
  • How do the two math sentences differ? (One of the sentences represents a situation of equality comprising four kinds of objects, while the other represents a situation of equality comprising two kinds of objects.)
  • Is the sentence 2 + 2 + 1 + 5 = 4 + 6 true? (It is true because the numerical expressions on either side of the = sign are equal to 10.)

Differentiated Instruction

The learning task can be modified to meet the different needs of the students.

To facilitate the task

To enrich the task

Ask students to represent situations of equality through drawings. Ensure that they use the terms "is equal to" and "more" when explaining their representation.

Have students create similar equality situations and present them to the class.

Invite students to write mathematical sentences for another student to illustrate using concrete materials.

Follow-up at Home

A family member describes a possible situation of equivalence or equality using the vocabulary submitted by the teacher. The student must determine whether the statement is true or false and explain their answer. Two suggested statements are:

  • The number of windows in the house is equal to the number of doors. (This is a possible situation of equivalence.)
  • The total number of blue marbles and red marbles in your collection is 18. (This is a possible tie.)

Students can also play the game of representing mathematical sentences written on cards with objects; for example, a parent presents a card with 5 + 3 = 8 on it and asks the child to represent the situation with round and square buttons or other objects (e.g,. spoons and chopsticks) (this is an equality situation)

Source : Guide d’enseignement efficace des mathématiques de la maternelle à la 3e année, p. 129-142.