C2.2 Determine whether given pairs of addition and subtraction expressions are equivalent or not.

Skill: Determining Whether Given Pairs of Addition and Subtraction Expressions are Equivalent or Not

Two addition and substraction expressions are equivalent when they represent the same quantity.

Two addition and substractionexpressions are not equivalent when they represent different quantities. In a mathematical sentence, the equality sign with a slash through it(≠)is a symbol that represents this non-equivalence or two different quantities.

Note: The equality sign should not be considered as a symbol that announces the answer of an equation, but as a symbol that shows a relationship between two quantities.

Source: The Ontario Curriculum. Mathematics, Grades 1-8 Ontario Ministry of Education, 2020.

When students reason algebraically, they analyze numbers, symbols, quantities, and operations, and then generalize.

A significant mathematical step in the development of algebraic thinking is to understand that a situation of equality can be represented using different models.

Students may use a variety of modes of representation. Mathematical relationships can be represented using concrete or semi-concrete materials, symbols, or oral descriptions. When students represent an algebraic situation using one or both modes of representation, they use a variety of models such as tables, number grids, or number lines. These models help them organize, record, and communicate their thinking as they explore situations of equality. Representing numerical expressions using concrete, semi-concrete, or symbolic models, along with oral description, facilitates observation of relationships and contributes to the development of algebraic thinking. The different representations help students to appropriate algebraic concepts.

Schematic diagram show that students may use a variety of modes of representation. Mathematical relationships can be represented using concrete or semi-concrete materials, symbols, or oral descriptions.

Prior to coming to school, young children have used expressions of equality in their play and daily lives, such as he has more or less or the same number of toys as me. At school, they are learning about numbers and associating quantities with them. It is important for students to explore and represent equality relationships in a variety of ways before expressing them symbolically in a mathematical sentence. A sentence such as 3 + 4 = 7 becomes meaningless when the focus is first on the symbols used. Before performing calculations, students need to explore numbers using models to support their reasoning. Symbol meaning is developed by using various representations of equality and inequality relationships. Teacher questioning, combined with manipulation of symbols and numbers in a variety of strategies, will help students make conjectures and subsequently generalize.

In algebra, students need to grasp the concepts of equality and inequality in order to understand equivalence as a relationship between two quantities. They must first explore these concepts using concrete materials.

From the time they enter school, students can already compare quantities and recognize situations of equivalence; for example, more than, less than, as much as, is equal to, is not equal to.

When faced with a situation of equality represented by symbols, teachers should have students recognize the relationship between the two numerical expressions on either side of the = sign; for example, in the mathematical sentence 18 = 10 + 8, 18 and 10 + 8 are two representations of the number 18, and the = sign is the symbol that shows the equality relationship between these representations. Understanding this relationship will help students later manipulate the numbers, the unknown, or the variables in an equation more effectively.

Meaning of the Equal Sign

The symbol for equality is a universally known sign, but often misinterpreted by many students who perceive the = sign as the symbol that always precedes, in mathematical sentences, the answer to a calculation from left to right.

When students later explore the symbolic representation of an equality or equivalence situation, such as the equation 4 + 3 = ◯ + 2, they believe that the number 7 should be inserted into the unknown box, since it represents the answer to the operation 4 + 3, appearing to the left of the = sign. When asked to process the number 2, they add it to 7, as if the mathematical sentence simply continued from left to right: 4 + 3 = 7 + 2. They do not perceive the = sign as a symbol of the equality or equivalence relationship between the expressions on either side of it.

This misconception stems, in part, from the fact that students are essentially exposed and exposed to equality situations presented through simple mathematical phrases such as 4 + 1 = 5. To address this misconception, teachers can:

  • ask students, "Is 4 + 1 the same as 1 + 4?

Note: This type of questioning promotes a better understanding of the concepts of relationship and equality.

  • present different types of mathematical sentences to help students explore the concept of the = sign as a relationship.

Types of Mathematical Sentences


Sentence with only one number on either side of the = sign.

5 = 5

Sentence requiring the use of a strategy; for example, the term comparison strategy.

8 - 7 = 9 - 8

26 + 34 = 27 + 33

Sentences that use a property; for example, the commutative property

5 + 10 = 10 + 5

Sentences where one of the numerical expressions has more than two terms.

5 = 2 + 2 + 1


25 = 10 + 10 + 5

Sentences with different operations on each side of the = sign.

29 + 2 = 33 - 2

It is important to encourage students to be explicit about their own understanding of the = sign These exchanges will ensure that teachers can check this understanding and that students can use mathematical arguments, one of the foundations of algebraic thinking.

In a problem-solving approach, the use of concrete and semi-concrete materials, as well as models, helps students recognize and represent situations of equality, equivalence, and inequality.

Moreover, it is only after having manipulated various models several times with the same goal, that is, to recognize a situation of equality or inequality, that the students will be able to approach the purely symbolic representation (the mathematical sentence) of the situation.

In addition, to determine the nature of the relationship between the quantities, they must understand that the elements on either side of the = sign are data to be analyzed, not just expressions to be calculated.

Source: Guide d’enseignement efficace des mathématiques de la maternelle à la 3e année, p. 14-40.


Determine if these pairs of numerical expressions are equivalent.

6 + 2

4 + 4

Pan Balance

A balance with side A having 6 yellow blocks and 2 red blocks, and side B having 4 yellow blocks and 4 red blocks. Mathematical equation: 6, plus, 2, equals, 4, plus, 4.

Source: En avant, les maths!, 1re année, CM, Algèbre, p. 3.

Double Number Line

 Number line illustrates a balance equation, wave tracing lines symbolizes the bonds on the right. 6, plus, 2. 4, plus, 4.

Knowledge: Numerical Expression

An expression that contains only numbers linked together by operations. All numbers are, by definition, numerical expressions.


3 + 9

5 – 4


Source: Guide d’enseignement efficace des mathématiques de la maternelle à la 3e année, p. 32.

Knowledge: Pairs of Equivalent Numerical Expressions

Two addition and substraction expressions are equivalent when they represent the same quantity.

Source: The Ontario Curriculum. Mathematics, Grades 1-8 Ontario Ministry of Education, 2020.

For example, looking at a 10 frame filled with 7 blue and 3 red chips and another filled with 8 blue and 2 red chips, the student sees that the expression 7 + 3 is equivalent to 8 + 2, since both frames represent a quantity of 10.