C3.1 Solve problems and create computational representations of mathematical situations by writing and executing code, including code that involves sequential events.

Activity 1: Sequential Events and Number Decomposition

Ask the student to observe the following pictures:

A tower is made with cubes on top of one another. 4 blue blocks vertical and 6 red blocks horizontal. Information on the displacement is written on a piece of paper: 4, ‘arrow’ towards the bottom, 6, arrow towards the top. A tower is made with cubes on top of one another. 2 white blocks, 3 orange blocks, and 5 green blocks. Information on the displacement is written on a piece of paper: 2, ‘arrow towards the bottom’, 3, ‘arrow towards the right’, 5, ‘arrow towards the top’.

Ask students the following questions:

  • What do you notice?
  • Do you see any similarities?
  • Do you see any differences?
  • Are there other possible patterns?

Have the student create other possible patterns to have combinations of 10.

Ask students to write their patterns in pseudocode.

Have the student choose a number and create a set of sequential instructions that show the decomposition of the chosen number.

Ask the student to find several possible combinations for the same number. Then, ask them to write a code that represents their pattern in a block programming program.

Activity 2: Sequential Events and Patterns

Have the student create a code that performs a pattern. The pattern can be created using movement, sounds, geometric shapes, letters and numbers. It can also be a pattern found in everyday life.

Select various codes and print them. Display a gallery of codes. Students can circulate and read each other's codes to express and discuss their understanding of the codes.

Have students find the pattern, tell if the pattern is a repeating pattern or an increasing pattern, and then make near and far predictions.

Activity 3: Sequential Events and Comparing the Value of Canadian Coins

Have students work in pairs to create a code that illustrates the value of Canadian currency. Students can use sprites that resemble Canadian currency and sequential movements to place the coins in a variety of patterns.

For example, a pattern in which two dimes and a nickel are repeated (AAB pattern core), also represents the value of a quarter (10 + 10 + 5 = 25). The student could create a code so that the dimes and nickels disappear and are replaced by a quarter in the pattern.