C3.2 Read and alter existing code, including code that involves sequential events, and describe how changes to the code affect the outcomes.

Activity 1: Sequential Events and Measurable Attribute

Ask students to look at the picture below and read the code that follows:

Ask students the following question: Which of the blocks below should be used to display the attribute being measured?

Source: Scratch Jr.

Have students modify the code to include all measurable attributes.

Activity 2: Sequential Events and Time: Days of the Week, Months of the Year, and Seasons

Ask students to read the following code:

Source: Scratch Jr.

The code should name the days of the week. Ask students the following questions:

  • What do you notice?
  • Do you see a mistake?
  • How do you know?

Ask students to change the code to correct the error.

Have students create a code to name the months of the year.

Ask students to create a code to name the seasons and months of the year in the correct pattern.