C3.2 Read and alter existing code, including code that involves sequential events, and describe how changes to the code affect the outcomes.

Activity 1: Sequential Events and Measurable Attribute

Ask students to look at the picture below and read the code that follows:

A hand holding a water bottle and filling a glass cup.Sprite girl, 3 blocks are intertwined:Events block stating “starts on when green flag is clicked.”Looks block stating “say ‘observe image below’ for ‘ten’ seconds.” Looks block stating “think of ‘I wonder how much a glass of water can contains’.”

Ask students the following question: Which of the blocks shown below would be the one to add to the code so that it displays the appropriate measurable attribute?

3 looks blocks stating says ‘the time’, says ‘the capacity’, says ‘the masse’.

Source : Scratch Jr.

Have students modify the code to include all measurable attributes inside.

Activity 2: Sequential Events and Time: Days of the Week, Months of the Year, and Seasons

Ask students to read the following code:

7 blocks are intertwined: Events block stating starts on when green flag is clicked. 6 Looks block stating “Sunday within 2 seconds”, “say ‘Monday’ within 2 seconds”, “say ‘Tuesday’ within 2 second”s, “say ‘Thursday’ within 2 seconds”, “say ‘Friday’ within 2 seconds”, “say ‘Saturday’ within 2 seconds”.

Source : Scratch Jr.

The code should name the days of the week. Ask students the following questions:

  • What do you notice?
  • Do you see a mistake?
  • Can you explain it?

Ask students to change the code to correct the error.

Have students create a code to name the months of the year.

Ask students to create a code to name the seasons and months of the year in the correct pattern.