C2.3 Solve equations that involve whole numbers up to 100 in various contexts, and verify solutions.

Activity 1: Solve an equation

Present the equation below to students.

6y - 5 = 61

Ask students to solve the equation.

Ask students questions such as:

  • What model or strategy should be chosen to solve the equation? Why or why not?
  • What were the challenges encountered? How were they overcome?
  • What is the value of y? How do we know?
  • How can we validate the answer? Explain your reasoning.

Have students create and solve their own equations. Invite them to exchange their equations with a partner and solve them by exploring other models or strategies.

Activity 2: Solving equations in a problem-solving context

Present the following situations to students:

Both Sylvia and Jacob have an aquarium full of fish. Sylvia has 45 red fish and 38 yellow striped fish. Jacob has the same number of fish, but only 44 of his fish are red. How many yellow-striped fish does Jacob have? Represent the situation using a strategy of your choice to solve it.

At the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, there are 50 dogs. Some female dogs have just had new litters of puppies. How many puppies are there if the total number of dogs is now 78? Represent the situation with a strategy of your choice to solve it.

Source: Grade 5 Math, ML, Algebra, p. 13-14.