D1.4 Create an infographic about a data set, representing the data in appropriate ways, including in relative-frequency tables and stacked-bar graphs, graphs, and incorporating any other relevant information that helps to tell a story about the data. 

Activity 1: Understand What an Infographic Is

Present the following infographic to the students. This infographic was created by the Grade 5 students at Bear School.

image The title of the infographic is: Grade 5 students are launching a business! The subtitle is: This year, Grade 5 students have decided to launch their business to be more involved in their community. Text: To figure out what kind of business they want to establish, the students conducted a survey, and the following three main ideas came out. There are three graphs. The first graph is titled: Business Ideas. It is a table with three columns and three rows. The column headings are "Business", "Number of Votes" and "Relative Frequency". Row 1: School Store, 15 votes, 30%; Row 2: Custodial service, 5 votes, 10%; Row 3: Preparing and selling healthy snacks, 30 votes, 60%. The second chart is titled: Business Roles. This is a bar diagram. The x-axis has five bands, named: Purchasing; Selling Snacks; Taking Orders; Preparing Snacks; and Budget Management. The y-axis is divided into tenths. It is graduated from 0 to six tenths. Below the x-axis it says "Source: Bear School Grade 5 Students". Under the second graph, it says, "Different Ways to Get Involved: Students chose which way they wanted to get involved." Next to the third graph, there is a bubble that says, " Steadily increasing sales". The third graph is a stacked bar graph. The title is "Healthy Snack Sales - Month of November". The title of the x-axis is "Winter Activities". The axis is graduated in weeks: Week 1, Week 2, Week 3 and Week 4. The title of the y-axis is: Quantity of healthy snacks sold. The axis is graduated by 50, from 0 to 200. Snacks are : granola bars, smoothies, energy bars. Under the x-axis it says "Source: Grade 5 Students from the Ours school". Under the third graph, it says, "Here are the Grade 5 student sales volumes during the month of November. Great, snacks made with healthy ingredients!" Conclusion: Developing an entrepreneurial spirit, values and qualities is possible!

Ask students the following questions:

  • What are the features of this infographic?
  • Who do you think this infographic is intended for and what messages are being conveyed?
  • What data representations are used? Why do you think the students chose them?

Source: translated from En avant, les maths!, 5e année, ML, Données, p. 21.

Activity 2: Creating an Infographic

Present the following situation to the students.

Teachers at Les Montagnes School wanted to know what equipment should be purchased for the playground. A survey was conducted with three groups of students asking: Which of the following equipment should the school purchase so that you can have fun on the playground? 

Here are the survey results:

Types of Equipment Children Aged 4-5 Years Children Aged 6-9 Years Children Aged 10-12 Years
Balls 18 17 14
Hoops 12 11 0
Sleds (winter) 25 30 9
Toys for the sandbox 27 14 0
Skipping ropes 16 22 6
Shovels and other toys for playing in the snow 5 26 15
Soccer nets 4 29 51
Equipment for obstacle courses 2 23 42
Resistance bands 0 16 21

Have students create an infographic that includes a relative-frequency table and a stacked-bar graph.