B1. Number Sense

Demonstrate an understanding of numbers and make connections to the way numbers are used in everyday life.

Learning Situation 1: Aim Straight!

Duration: approximately 85 minutes


In this learning situation, students explore the concept of percent in the context of a game of skill.

Overall Expectation Specific Expectations

B1. Number Sense

Demonstrate an understanding of numbers and make connections to the way numbers are used in everyday life.

B1.3 Represent equivalent fractions from halves to twelfths, including improper fractions and mixed numbers, using appropriate tools, in various contexts.

B1.7 Describe relationships and show equivalences among fractions, decimal numbers up to hundredths, and whole number percents, using appropriate tools and drawings, in various contexts.

Learning Goals

The purpose of this learning situation is to allow students to:

  • understand the meaning of percent;
  • make connections between fractions, decimals, and percents;
  • convert a decimal number or fraction with a denominator of 100 to a percent;
  • develop and use problem-solving strategies.

Learning Context Prerequisites
In previous grades, students have established relationships between whole numbers, fractions, and decimal numbers in a variety of contexts. In Grade 5 , they develop an understanding of the concept of percent and make connections between fractions, decimal numbers, and percents.

This learning situation allows students to develop a sense of the concept of percents by recognizing that it is possible to represent the same quantity using a percent, a fraction, and a decimal number. To be able to complete this learning situation, students need to:

  • be able to determine equivalent fractions;
  • understand the relationship between decimal fractions and decimal numbers (up to hundredths).


  • small bean bags
  • container (for example, basket, trash can, recycling bin)
  • Appendix 6.1 (Aim Straight!) (1 copy per student)
  • Appendix 6.2 (Throws from a distance of 1 metre) (1 copy per team)
  • Appendix 6.3 (Throws from a distance of 2 metres) (1 copy per team)
  • Appendix 6.4 (Throws from a distance of 3 metres) (1 copy per team)
  • Appendix 6.5 (Throws from a distance of 4 metres) (1 copy per team)

Mathematical Vocabulary

decimal number, fraction, equivalent fractions, decimal fraction, hundredth, percent

Before Learning (Warm-Up)

Duration: approximately 30 minutes

Beforehand, place a container (for example, basket, trash can, recycling bin) at the front of the class and mark distances 1 metre, 2 metres, 3 metres, and 4 metres away from this container with masking tape, as shown below.

Explain to students that they will be exploring the concept of percents using the game Aim Straight! Explain that this game involves attempting to throw a small bean bag into a container from a specified distance. Present the chart below (Appendix 6.1) in which successful throws will be recorded as they occur. Invite:

  • 5 students to make 1 throw each from the 1 metre distance;
  • 10 students to make 1 throw each from the 2 metre distance;
  • 20 students to make 1 throw each from the 3 metre distance;
  • 25 students to make 1 throw each from the 4 metre distance.

Note: The table below provides a sample of possible results; the subsequent explanations presented are based on these results. However, teachers should always work with actual student results.


Distance From the Container Number of Throws Number of Successful Throws Result Represented as a Fraction
1 m 5 4
2 m 10 7
3 m 20 13
4 m 25 13

Distribute a copy of the chart (Appendix 6.1) to each student so that they can record their results. Fill in the 4th column, Result Represented as a Fraction, together.

Ask students to compare results based on the distance from which the throws are made. Discuss how it can be difficult to compare the results, since the denominators differ from one situation to another. Ask them to write the title "Result Represented as a Fraction (in Hundredths)" in the 5th column and to determine, for each fraction in the 4th column, the equivalent fraction in hundredths.

Note: To determine a fraction equivalent in hundredths, students could use proportional reasoning. For example, 4 successful throws out of 5 throws is equivalent in number to 8 successful throws out of 10 throws (if you double the number of throws made, you double the number of successful throws), to 12 successful throws out of 15 throws made, and so on. We can continue this reasoning until 80 successful throws out of 100 throws (20 times more throws made, so 20 times more successful throws).


Distance From the Container Number of Throws Number of Successful Throws Result Represented as a Fraction Result Represented as a Fraction (in Hundredths)
1 m 5 4 \(\frac{4}{5}\) \(\frac{{80}}{{100}}\)
2 m 10 7 \(\frac{7}{{10}}\) \(\frac{{70}}{{100}}\)
3 m 20 13 \(\frac{{13}}{{20}}\) \(\frac{{65}}{{100}}\)
4 m 25 13 \(\frac{{13}}{{25}}\) \(\frac{{52}}{{100}}\)

Then invite students to share their answers and explain their strategies. Ask questions to prompt the comparison of the fractions obtained and the strategies used. For example:

  • How did you obtain the fractions in hundredths?
  • Have other students used this strategy?
  • Are there any who have used a different strategy?
  • What are the benefits of writing the results out of 100?
  • What do you think the word "percent" means?
  • In what situations have you ever seen a percent? (For example, provincial and federal taxes imposed on purchases, discounted prices…)

Lead students to understand that the results in the 5th column, Result Represented as a Fraction (in Hundredths), can also be expressed as percents (out of 100). Point out, for example, that the fraction \(\frac{{80}}{{100}}\) expressed as a percent is written as 80% and reads as "80 percent". Have students write the title "Result Represented as a Percent" in the 6th column along with the appropriate results.


Distance From the Container Number of Throws Number of Successful Throws Result Represented as a Fraction Result Represented as a Fraction (in Hundredths) Result Represented as a Percent
1 m 5 4 \(\frac{4}{5}\) \(\frac{{80}}{{100}}\) 80 %
2 m 10 7 \(\frac{7}{{10}}\) \(\frac{{70}}{{100}}\) 70 %
3 m 20 13 \(\frac{{13}}{{20}}\) \(\frac{{65}}{{100}}\) 65 %
4 m 25 13 \(\frac{{13}}{{25}}\) \(\frac{{52}}{{100}}\) 52 %

Lead students to recognize that \(\frac{4}{5}\), \(\frac{80}{100}\) and 80% represent the same result, that is, the success of 4 of the 5 throws. Therefore, \(\frac{4}{5}\) = \(\frac{80}{100}\) = 80%.

Note: It is important to clarify the meaning of a percent. A success score expressed as a percent represents the number of successful throws out of 100 trials. For example, a score of 75% means that if 100 throws are made, 75 throws are successful. However, emphasize that a percent score does not imply that exactly 100 throws were made. Any situation that can be represented by a fraction equivalent to \(\frac{75}{100}\) would be possible, for example, 15 successful throws out of 20 throws made \(\frac{15}{20}\) or 150 successful throws out of 200 throws made \(\frac{150}{200}\).

Then read aloud the fractions expressed in hundredths ( 5th column) and ask the students what other ways they know to represent these numbers. Point out that while they have presented the results of the throws in fractions and percents, they could also have done so in decimals, since these three different forms can represent the same result. Establish the relationships between a percent, a fraction with a denominator of 100, and the corresponding decimal number (for example, \(70\;\% \; = \;\frac{{70}}{{100}}\; = \;0,70\)).

Have students write the title Result as a Decimal Number in the 7th column, then fill in the corresponding results.


Distance From the Container Number of Throws Number of Successful Throws Result Represented as a Fraction Result Represented as a Fraction (in Hundredths) Result Represented as a Percent Result as a Decimal Number
1 m 5 4 \(\frac{4}{5}\) \(\frac{{80}}{{100}}\) 80 % 0,80
2 m 10 7 \(\frac{7}{{10}}\) \(\frac{{70}}{{100}}\) 70 % 0,70
3 m 20 13 \(\frac{{13}}{{20}}\) \(\frac{{65}}{{100}}\) 65 % 0,65
4 m 25 13 \(\frac{{13}}{{25}}\) \(\frac{{52}}{{100}}\) 52 % 0,52

Active Learning (Exploration)

Duration: approximately 35 minutes

Introduce the rest of the learning situation.

To make the game of skill more interesting, we will impose the following constraints:

  • some of the throws made at a distance of 1 metre from the container will be made over the shoulder facing backwards;
  • some of the throws made at a distance of 2 metres from the container will be made using the left hand if you are right-handed and with the right hand if you are left-handed;
  • some of the throws made at a distance of 3 metres from the container will be made while standing on one leg;
  • some of the throws made at a distance of 4 metres from the container will be made with one eye closed.

Before executing the throws, you need to do some calculations.

Group students in pairs. Distribute a copy of Appendices 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 and 6.5 to each team. Explain the task to them using Appendix 6.2.

Explain that of the 5 throws made at a distance of 1 metre from the container, 60% must be made facing backwards. Tell them that they must :

  • determine the number of throws to be made according to the constraint;
  • estimate the percentage of successful throws, using an estimation strategy of their choice.

Ask students to complete the assignment (Appendices 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 and 6.5), making sure to address the constraint in each situation. Explain that students should keep a record of their work so that they can share their reasoning during a mathematical discussion.


Distance From the Container Number of Throws Percentage of Throws Required Using the Constraint Decimal Number Representing the Throws With the Constraint Fraction of Throws With the Constraint Number of Throws With the Constraint Estimated Rate of Success (Percent)
1 m 5 60 % 0,60 \(\frac{{60}}{{100}}\) 3 70 %

Show how you achieved your results.

Justify the estimated percent rate of success with explanations, drawings or calculations.

The percentage of successful throws made at a distance of 1 metre during Warm-Up was 80%. With the constraint, it should be lower. Therefore, I estimate that the rate of success will be about 70%.

Note: You must be able to present your reasoning to the class when we discuss the results.

Possible Observations Possible Interventions
One team does not know how to convert 60% into a fraction. Pose questions such as:

  • What does 60% mean?
  • To what does the denominator of a fraction refer?

How would one relate a percent to its corresponding fraction, that is, 60%, 60 percent,\(\frac{{60}}{{100}}\).

A team cannot determine how many of the 5 throws have to use the constraint. Model proportional reasoning. Explain, for example, why the situation where 60 throws out of 100 must be made from behind, over the shoulder, is equivalent to that where 30 throws out of 50 must be (the 2 quantities are divided by 2). Then ask them:

  • How would you create another equivalence relationship?
  • What would be an equivalence relationship if only 5 throws are made?

One team does not understand what needs to be done to complete the last column. Remind them that during Warm-Up, 4 of the 5 throws made at a distance of 1 metre were successful, which corresponds to 80%. Tell them that they must now estimate a reasonable percent rate of success, taking into account the constraint.
A team does not know how to convert \(\frac{1}{5}\) to a percent. Ask students to determine fractions equivalent to \(\frac{1}{5}\) (for example, \(\frac{2}{{10}}\), \(\frac{4}{{20 }}\)). Then ask them what a percent represents in order to show that it can be represented by a fraction with a denominator of 100.

Consolidation of Learning

Duration approximately 20 minutes

Ask a few teams to present the strategy they used to complete the table for throws made at a distance of 1 metre, as well as to justify their estimation.

Note: During the mathematical exchange, the choice of teams is very important since it is through the sharing that students will compare their strategies for converting (between a percent, a decimal number and a fraction) with those of other students and to solidify their learning.

After each presentation, encourage other students to add to the mathematical exchange by asking questions and making relevant observations. If necessary, assist them by asking questions such as:

  • Is this an effective strategy? Why is it effective?
  • How would you explain in your own words the strategy that was just presented?
  • How have other students used a strategy like this one?
  • How else could results have been determined?
  • Is this estimation reasonable? Why or why not?
  • Did anyone get the same estimation using different reasoning?
  • What other estimations were there?

Then, invite 5 students to throw from the point located 1 metre from the container according to a new instruction: 3 students throw following the constraint and 2 without following it. Determine the percent of success and compare it to the percent of success estimated by the students.

Repeat the same procedure for the other 3 series of throws (Appendices 6.3, 6.4 and 6.5).

Note: Emphasize the meaning of a percent and highlight various conversion strategies:

  • converting a fraction to a decimal (for example, \(\frac{2}{5}\; = \;\frac{4}{{10}}\; = \;0.4\) or \( 2\;\div\;5\;=\;0.4\));
  • converting a decimal number to a decimal fraction (for example, 0.45 = \(\frac{45}{100}\) 0.7 = \(\frac{7}{10}\) );
  • convert a fraction to a percent (for example, \(\frac{3}{5}\; = \frac{6}{{10}}\; = \frac{60}{100} = \;60\;\% \) or \(3\; \div \;5\; = \;0.60\; = \;60\;\% \));
  • converting a percent to a decimal fraction (for example, \(5\;\% \; = \;\frac{5}{{100}}\); \(77\;\% \; = \frac{{77}}{{100}}\)).

Differentiated Instruction

The activity can be modified to meet the needs of the students.

To Simplify the Task To Enrich the Task
Change the constraint to provide the team with the number of throws instead of a percent and focus on conversion strategies.


Tell students that of the 5 throws made at a distance of 1 metre from the container, 3 must be made over the shoulder facing backwards. Ask students to determine what percentage of the total number of throws this represents.

Ask students to award points for each successful Aim Straight! throw based on the distance from which it is made. The goal is to have a score of approximately 200 points after 10 throws at each of the distances.


A student might suggest that 28 points be awarded for each successful throw made 2 metres from the container, explaining that in Warm-Up, 70% of the throws were successful, or 7 out of 10 throws, and that 7 times 28 = 196 points. They would have the same reasoning for the other 3 distances.

Follow-Up at Home

Suggest that students invent a game of skill (for example, knocking over a bowling pin by rolling a ball) and invite family members to participate. Specify the number of trials (5, 10, 20, 25 or 50) to obtain fractions that can be easily converted into percents. Have them compile the results in a table similar to the one used in Warm-Up.

The next day, have them present their game and invite their peers to play. Once they have completed a data table, ask them to compare the percent rate of success results with those obtained at home.

Source: Guide d'enseignement efficace des mathématiques de la 4e à la 6e année, p. 165-175.

Learning Situation 2: The Fractions Picnic

Duration: 1 hr 40 min


In this learning situation, students use mixed numbers and improper fractions to compare quantities of sandwiches.

Overall Expectation Specific Expectations

B1. Number Sense

Demonstrate an understanding of numbers and make connections to the way numbers are used in everyday life.

B1.3 Represent equivalent fractions from halves to twelfths, including improper fractions and mixed numbers, using appropriate tools, in various contexts.

B1.4 Compare and order fractions from halves to twelfths, including improper fractions and mixed numbers, in various contexts.

Learning Goals

The purpose of this learning situation is to enable students to:

  • develop a sense of a quantity represented with improper fractions and mixed numbers;
  • recognize the relationship between related concepts and equivalent representations of the same quantity (improper fraction, mixed number, equivalent fractions, symbolic representations, semi-concrete representations, fraction as a division, and fraction as a part of a whole);
  • develop and use problem-solving strategies.

Learning Context Prerequisites
In previous grades, students gained an understanding of the concept of a fraction by exploring fractions that represent a quantity less than a whole, that is, proper fractions (for example, \(\frac{5}{8}\) ). In Grade 5 , students deepen their understanding of this concept by exploring fractions that represent a quantity greater than the whole, that is, improper fractions (for example, \(\frac{5}{3}\)) or mixed numbers (for example, \(1\frac{1}{3}\))). They also study the concept of equivalent fractions.

This learning situation allows students to develop a sense of quantity when represented by a mixed number or by an improper fraction in a problem-solving context. It also builds connections between proper fractions, improper fractions, mixed numbers and whole numbers as well as between various representations (symbolic, semi-concrete, concrete).

To be able to complete this learning situation, students must:

  • recognize and be able to represent simple fractions;
  • recognize that a fraction can be used to represent a part of a whole as well as a division context;
  • recognize that a single quantity can be represented by equivalent fractions.

Mathematical Vocabulary

fraction, numerator, denominator, part of a whole, division, proper fraction, improper fraction, mixed number, integer, equivalent fractions


Before Learning (Warm-Up)

Duration: 15 minutes

The purpose of this warm-up is to enable students to represent a quantity using a mixed number and an improper fraction. Present the following situation, then complete a table like the one below:

On the menu at a class picnic, there were small pizzas cut into 4 equal pieces. A student ate one piece of pizza. What fraction of a pizza did he eat? (\(\frac{1}{4}\) of a pizza)

He then ate a 2nd piece. What fraction of a pizza did he eat in total? (\(2 \times \frac{1}{4}\) of a pizza or \(\frac{2}{4}\)); students will probably say \(\frac{1}{2}\) a pizza)

Then he ate a third piece. What fraction of a pizza did he eat in total? (\(3 \times \frac{1}{4}\) of a pizza or \(\frac{3}{4}\) of a pizza)

Then he ate a 4th. How much pizza did he eat in total? (4 times \(\frac{1}{4}\) of a pizza, \(\frac{4}{4}\) of a pizza or 1 whole pizza)

Finally, he ate a 5th piece of pizza. How much of a pizza did he eat in total? (5 times \(\frac{1}{4}\) of a pizza, \(\frac{5}{4}\) of a pizza or \(1\frac{1}{4}\) of a pizza)

Point out that in the fractions \(\frac{1}{4}\), \(\frac{2}{4}\) and \(\frac{3}{4}\), the numerator is less than the denominator, so these are called proper fractions. Have students note that it is not essential that the numerator of a fraction be less than the denominator. Explain that a fraction whose numerator is greater than its denominator is called an improper fraction and that it represents a quantity greater than one whole. For example, in this situation, when the student ate 5 pieces of pizza in total, we wrote \(\frac{5}{4}\) of a pizza. The fraction \(\frac{5}{4}\) is pronounced "5 fourths" and it means \(\frac{1}{4}\; + \;\frac{1}{4}\; + \;\frac{1}{4}\; + \;\frac{1}{4}\; + \;\frac{1}{4}\; = \;5\; \times \;\frac{1}{4}\; = \;\frac{5}{4}\). Just as \(\frac{2}{4}\) means 2 pieces of everything separated into quarters, \(\frac{5}{4}\). In the same way as \(\frac{2}{4}\) means 2 pieces of a whole that has been separated into fourths, \(\frac{5}{4}\) means 5 pieces of a whole that has been separated into fourths.

Explain that a quantity greater than the whole can also be represented by a mixed number. Specify that \(1\frac{1}{4}\) is read "1 and 1 fourth", that the number 1 represents the number of wholes and that the fraction \(\frac{1}{4}\) represents the fractional part of an equivalent whole. In this situation, the student has therefore eaten a whole pizza (\(\frac{4}{4}\) of pizza) and \(\frac{1}{4}\) of another pizza of the same size.

Specify that the improper fraction \(\frac{5}{4}\) and the mixed number \(1\frac{1}{4}\) are 2 ways of representing the same quantity. At this stage, it is important to simply present the terminology of these types of numbers without focusing on their connections since students will explore them a little later in this learning situation.

Briefly review the concept of equivalent fractions, pointing out that these are different ways of representing the same quantity. For example, mention that \(\frac{2}{4}\) of sandwich is equivalent to \(\frac{1}{2}\) of sandwich, that \(\frac{1}{3} \) of sandwich is the equivalent of \(\frac{2}{6}\) or \(\frac{4}{{12}}\) of sandwich and show how we can confirm that they represent an equivalent amount.

Present Appendix 5.1A, read the scenario, and explain the task to be performed, that is to establish, using improper fractions and mixed numbers, the quantity that each member of each group received in order to determine whether the distribution of sandwiches was fair.

Ensure that students have understood the task by asking questions such as:

  • Who would like to explain the situation in your own words? What happened at the picnic?
  • Why might we think each student did not receive the same amount?
  • Who can explain the task in their own words?
  • What is a mixed number?
  • What is an improper fraction?

Active Learning (Exploration)

Duration: 55 minutes

Group students in pairs and distribute a copy of Appendix 5.1A. Have them complete the task using the strategies of their choice.

Allow sufficient time for students to discuss and solve the problem. Circulate and observe the strategies used. Intervene as needed to help some teams along the way without showing them how to transform a quantity expressed as a fraction into an improper fraction and vice versa.

Ask students to keep track of their reasoning and to write the number of the corresponding statement next to their calculations and illustrations. See Appendix 5.2A for a solution.

Typically, in order to complete the task, students first illustrate each statement, representing the corresponding quantity. This quantity is then expressed symbolically by an improper fraction, then by a mixed number. Their strategy is refined as they progress through the learning task and as they develop the sense of quantity represented by the improper fraction and by the mixed number. Since comparing quantities is related to equivalence, they must also recognize that certain statements lead to the use of equivalent fractions (for example, \(1\frac{4}{6}\; = \;1 \frac{2}{3}\)).

Possible Observations Possible Interventions
After reading statement 2, a team tries to determine the number of people in the group instead of looking for the quantity of sandwiches received. Ask questions such as:

What do you need to determine? For this, is it necessary to know the number of people in the group?

A team cannot compare equivalent situations since they do not notice that \(\frac{4}{6}\; = \;\frac{2}{3}\).

Ask questions such as:

  • Is it possible to represent the same quantity in another way? How? (Yes, by determining equivalent fractions)
  • What fractions might be equivalent fractions among the various groups?

A team represents statement 1 as the fraction of a whole, while the situation corresponds more to the fraction of a set. Also, they don't know how to divide the remaining 4 sandwiches.

Ask questions such as:

  • According to your model, how many sandwiches does each student have? (1 sandwich)
  • There are 4 sandwiches left. If these were real sandwiches, what would you do? (Cut them into pieces)
  • How would you represent this situation with a drawing?

When students have almost completed Part 1 of the assignment, distribute Appendix 5.1B to each team. Explain that Part 1 allowed them to explore mixed numbers and improper fractions and that Part 2 will deepen their understanding of these concepts.

Suggest that students examine their representations in Part 1 to determine possible calculations to solve the problems rather than using drawings to illustrate the statement. Add that they can use the drawings if desired.

Note: The aim is to allow students to move from semi-concrete representations toward the reasoning that underlies the mathematical operations. However, the goal is to not present an algorithm or set of steps to be followed, but rather to allow students to establish connections between the meaning of the problem, the numbers involved, and the reasoning they imply. In this sense, Appendix 5.2B presents elements of a solution.

Circulate, observe, and select teams who will present during the mathematical discussions that follow. Choose them based on the strengths and weaknesses of their strategies.

Once their work is completed, assign 1 or 2 problems from the learning situation to each team, provide them with large sheets of paper and markers, and allow them sufficient time to prepare to participate fully in the mathematical exchange. Specify that they must present the reasoning or strategies used to solve the assigned problem.

Consolidation of Learning

Duration: 30 minutes

Invite the selected teams to present their strategies. Ensure that each team identifies the question or statement being presented by number, by reading the text or by writing it on the board. Invite students to intervene and add comments.

Facilitate the discussion by asking questions.

For example

  • How can we explain this team's approach?
  • Which other teams have you seen who used this or a similar strategy?
  • These 2 teams express different answers for the same problem. How is this possible? (Show the equivalence of the various representations: the equivalent fractions as well as the equivalence between the mixed number and the improper fraction.)
  • To solve the problem in statement 1, why did they divide by 6?
  • How did you go about finding the quantity of Abdul's group even though the number of people in it was not mentioned?
  • What do they mean by "we have done the division" when we are talking about a fraction?
  • Why do you say that \(1\frac{4}{6}\) is equivalent to \(1\frac{2}{3}\)?
  • Some groups speak mainly of sixths while others refer to thirds. What is the difference?
  • In order to solve the cantaloupe problem, why are you talking about multiplication, division and remainder?
  • What is the difference between Amon's statement ("Each member of the group received 5 thirds of a sandwich.") and Abdul's statement ("It was delicious. There were 8 sandwiches for John, Peter and me.")? [Point out that the 1st statement presents the fraction as part of a whole sandwich \(\frac{5}{3}\) while the 2nd presents a sharing situation (8 sandwiches for 3 people: so 8 ÷ 3 can be represented by \(\frac{8}{3}\)

Encourage students to use clear arguments, precise vocabulary, and logic terminology. Appendix 5.3 provides examples of student reasoning, mathematical arguments, and solution strategies.

Highlight effective strategies for converting an improper fraction into a mixed number and vice versa by establishing connections between semi-concrete representations and the meaning of the numbers that compose them (the wholes, the fractional parts, the division, the remainder ). It is more important for students to understand the meaning of numbers and the operations performed than to memorize the steps to follow.

Differentiated Instruction

The activity can be modified to meet the needs of the students.

To Simplify the Task To Enrich the Task

  • Explain the statements in order to facilitate the identification of mixed numbers and improper fractions;
  • Use only the statements that deal with thirds (statements 2, 3, 5 and 7) to eliminate the difficulty created by equivalent fractions.

  • Invite students to change the quantities in the statements to ensure that each student receives the same amount;
  • Invite students to write other statements and determine the quantities attached to them.

Follow-Up at Home

At home, students can use concrete and semi-concrete representations to solve 1 or 2 problems related to mixed numbers and improper fractions.

Examples of problems

  • If the rectangle below corresponds to \(\frac{5}{4}\) of a whole, draw the whole.
  • Peter covers one fourth of the route planned for bicycle race 7 times during training. The odometer on his bicycle indicates that he has ridden a total of 14 km. How long is the race's route?
  • Knowing that on \(1\frac{2}{3}\) of a sheet of stickers there are 35 stickers, how many stickers are there on the whole sheet?
  • I have 3 small strips of paper of the same length. When I place 2 of the strips end to end and \(\frac{2}{3}\) of the 3rd, I get a strip of paper measuring 240 cm. How long is one of the small strips?
  • After a party, there are 2 whole rectangular cakes and part of a 3rd. How many cakes are left?

Source: Guide d'enseignement efficace des mathématiques de la 4e à la 6e année, p. 147-157.

Learning Situation 3: The Theatre Room

Total Duration: 85 minutes


In this learning situation, students use a variety of strategies to estimate the number of spectators a venue can hold. They then approximate the profit or loss generated by a sold-out show.

Overall Expectation Specific Expectations

B1. Number Sense

Demonstrate an understanding of numbers and make connections to the way numbers are used in everyday life.

B1.1 Read, represent, compose, and decompose whole numbers up to and including 100 000, using appropriate tools and strategies, and describe various ways they are used in everyday life.

B1.2 Compare and order whole numbers up to and including 100 000, in various contexts.

Note: This situation also affects expectation B2 (Operations).

Learning Goals

The purpose of this learning situation is to have students:

  • develop a sense of large numbers in a real-life context;
  • apply estimation and calculation strategies;
  • verify the reasonability of the result of a calculation;
  • establish a connection between rounding and estimating.

Learning Context Prerequisites
In previous grades, students have learned to compare, order, and represent whole numbers up to 10 000. They have estimated the results of various arithmetic operations, including operations involving amounts of money. In Grade 5 , they further develop these skills to build an understanding of quantities represented by larger whole numbers (up to 100 000). This learning situation provides students with the opportunity to develop their estimating skills by applying a variety of appropriate strategies.

To be able to complete this learning situation, students must:

  • have developed some strategies for estimating a given quantity;
  • be able to perform calculations involving amounts of money;
  • be able to mentally multiply numbers by 10, by 100 and by 1,000.

Mathematical Vocabulary

estimation, rounding, more than, less than, about, between, approximation


  • Appendix 5.1 (Theatre Room) (1 copy per team)
  • Appendix 5.2 (Floor Plan) (1 copy per team)
  • Appendix 5.2 (Floor Plan) in large format (1 copy per team)
  • large sheets of paper (1 per team)
  • felt-tip pens
  • glue sticks

Before Learning (Warm-Up)

Duration: approximately 15 minutes

Ask students if they have ever attended a show, play, concert, or large gathering. If so, ask if they remember the approximate number of people in the audience. Discuss with them if they simply guessed the number or if they used an estimation strategy.

Review the words estimation, rounding, more than, less than, about, between, approximate.

Present the following scenario to students:

A theatre company would like to rent a large room to perform their new play. The company's management must determine the price of tickets. After discussion, company members suggested that the price be set at $19.75 per ticket.

Share Appendix 5.2 with students just long enough to given them a sense of the size of the room, but not enough time for them to count, for example, the number of seats per row.

Ask them to write down the number of seats they think the room contains. Later, during the follow-up discussion, they can compare this number with a number they obtained using an estimation strategy. This comparison serves to reaffirm the benefits of knowing and using such strategies, especially when dealing with large numbers.

Note: The number of seats in the room is not specified. It is important in this situation to focus on the strategies for and concept of estimation and not to pay particular attention to the exact number.

Display Appendix 5.1 on the interactive whiteboard or on a large sheet of paper and present the following problem to students.

The theatre company would like to rent the room I just showed you to perform their play. They are budgeting $22 230 for all expenses related to this performance (for example, hall rental, lighting, sound, program). If the company's management accepts the suggestion to set the price of a ticket at $19.75 and if all the tickets are sold, will the company make a profit? If so, approximately what will it be? If not, how much will the loss be?

Ensure that students understand the problem by asking them to explain in their own words the situation and the meaning of the terms profit and loss.

Note: It is important not to direct students too much; they should be allowed to find personal problem-solving and estimation strategies.

Active Learning (Exploration)

Duration: approximately 40 minutes

Group the students in pairs.

Distribute a copy of Appendix 5.1 and Appendix 5.2 to each team. Ask them to solve the problem, leaving a record of their work. Let them know that they can write on the plan. To encourage students to round, do not allow the use of a calculator during the exploration.

Observe students and support them in their work, but do not tell them how to meet the challenge.

They must be led, through strategic interventions, to think about:

  • the strategies to be used to solve the problem;
  • the approximate size of the quantity sought.

Allow sufficient time for students to explore and discuss various problem-solving strategies.

Circulate among students and intervene as needed by asking questions such as:

  • How can you represent this situation differently? How can using another representation help you solve the problem?
  • Is this quantity reasonable?

Students will choose various strategies to solve the problem. Here are some examples of strategies they might use to estimate the total number of seats:

  • use symmetry (for example, estimate the number of seats in half the room, then double that number);
  • mark off sections that form an array and estimate the number of seats each contains;
  • count, for each section, the average number of seats in a row and the number of rows and determine the product of these numbers;
  • round numbers to simplify calculations;
  • establish a correspondence between a linear measurement on the plan and the number of seats (for example, 1 cm corresponds to 5 seats).

Note: When performing calculations to determine whether or not there is profit, students are dealing with large numbers; it is therefore important to promote the use of personal algorithms. Recall the importance of checking whether the answer is reasonable.

Possible Observations Possible Interventions
One team doesn't know what to do with the numbers in the boxes on the floor plan.

Ask questions such as:

  • What do you think these numbers represent?
  • How can you use these numbers to estimate the number of seats in the room?
One team tries to count the seats 1 by 1. Pose questions such as:

  • Why is it not necessary to know the exact number of seats in the room?
  • How might you estimate the number of seats in a section (or row)? What could you do now that you know the approximate number of seats in that section (or row)?

One team has difficulty performing calculations using standard algorithms. Pose questions such as:

  • When might an estimation be good enough and when might they need an exact number?
  • What other strategies have you learned that you could use to simplify your calculations?

One team estimated the number of seats at 2 355 and got an answer that is not reasonable (for example, \(19.75\;\$\; \times \;2\; 355\;=\;90\;636\;\$\)).

Pose questions such as:

  • When might an estimation be good enough and when might they need an exact number?
  • What strategy can you use to determine the order of magnitude of the answer? (For example, round the numbers and do a quick mental calculation with the numbers: (for example, "20", "2", "000", "=", "40", "000", "$").
  • Is your answer reasonable?

To prepare students for group sharing and discussion, distribute a large sheet of paper and an enlarged floor plan to the teams. Ask them to glue the map to the middle of the large sheet and to record their calculations on the sheet. Remind them that they must be prepared to explain their estimation strategies and to justify their choices with clear and convincing mathematical arguments.

Select the teams who will present. Choose based on the differences in estimation and calculation strategies (for example, 2 teams with a similar estimation but one who used symmetry and one who used an array). It may also be useful to include a team whose strategy did not lead to the expected results provided the focus of the discussion is on a constructive analysis of why that strategy was less effective given the scenario.

Consolidation of Learning

Duration: approximately 30 minutes

First, ask some of the selected teams to take turns presenting the strategy they used to estimate the number of seats the room contains. Encourage students to provide specific justifications using clear and convincing mathematical arguments. For example, "Since the top 3 sections, without the dressing rooms, contain about the same number of seats, we estimated the number of seats in a section and multiplied it by 3."

In discussions, it is important to highlight the different estimation strategies used and compare them by asking questions such as:

  • Why does your estimation strategy work?
  • Would this strategy work with a different floor plan?
  • How have other teams used a similar strategy?
  • What other strategies would achieve similar results?
  • Which strategy do you think is most effective? Why?
  • Are there large differences between the estimations obtained by different teams? (Point out that despite the diversity of strategies used, several teams obtained very similar and equally valid estimations.)

Then ask members of the selected teams to reveal the number of seats they wrote down on a piece of paper when they first saw the floor plan. To encourage all students to think about the difference between the reasonableness of a quantity obtained by guessing and the reasonableness of a quantity obtained by estimating, ask questions such as:

  • When you first saw the plan, what number did you write on your piece of paper? Was this number an estimation? (It was not an estimation because the time allotted did not allow for a proper estimation to be obtained.)
  • Is a quantity obtained by estimating more reasonable than a quantity obtained by guessing? Why? (Yes, a quantity obtained by estimating is generally more reasonable because it is not random; it is based on a quick, but thoughtful calculation.)

Second, ask the other selected teams to present the calculations they made to determine whether the theatre company will make a profit or a loss. Emphasize the different calculation strategies used and how to check the reasonableness of their answers. Emphasize the importance of rounding numbers to make the calculations easier.

Ask questions such as:

  • How did you determine whether the company will make a profit or a loss?
  • Why did the teams get different answers? Is this acceptable?
  • How do you know your answer is reasonable?
  • Is the theatre company likely to experience a greater or lesser profit (or loss) than the amount you have determined?
  • What might be a good reason for using rounding in this scenario?

Throughout the discussion, invite other students to respond to each presentation and share their observations. If necessary, ask them questions such as:

  • How can we use rounding and estimation to make calculations easier?
  • In what type of context is it OK to estimate?
  • In what contexts might we round up?
  • What would you write about in a math journal (group or personal)?

Ensure that students understand that it is acceptable to estimate and round in contexts where an approximate, not an exact, answer is sought.

To consolidate estimation strategies, take students to a building in their community that can accommodate a large number of people (for example, arena, theatre, church) and ask them to estimate the number of seats. This exercise can also be done using a virtual tour of a theatre or concert hall on the Internet.

Differentiated Instruction

The activity can be modified to meet the needs of the students.

To Simplify the Task To Enrich the Task

  • Ask students to estimate the number of seats in only one part of the room (for example, the orchestra section);
  • Ask students to estimate the number of seats without determining whether the theatre company will make a profit or experience a loss.

  • Hand out the floor plan of another room and ask students to compare the capacity of this room with the one the theatre company wants to rent;
  • Ask students to calculate the profit or loss, taking into account that ticket prices might vary from section to section (for example, balcony ticket price: $15.25; mezzanine: $18.50).

Follow-up at Home

At home, students can:

  • design a floor plan of an auditorium on graph paper and determine the exact number of seats it contains;
  • print out a floor plan of a venue obtained from an Internet search and note the number of seats it contains.

Back at school, students will exchange their floor plans. They would first estimate the number of seats in the room from the plan they were given. Then they compare their estimation with the actual number to determine if it was a reasonable estimation.

Extension - Another Perspective

Distribute a photo showing a large number of objects, animals, or people (for example, a photo of a flock of birds, a field of corn plants, bees around a hive, a crowd) and ask students to estimate this quantity. The photo can be obtained from the Internet (for example, photos from a flower, agricultural, music, or other festival).

Since the photos provide a 3-dimensional perspective, objects in the foreground appear larger than those in the background. Students are likely to use different estimation strategies than those used in the learning situation. Encourage them to describe and justify their choice of strategy.

Source: Guide d'enseignement efficace des mathématiques de la 4e à la 6e année, p. 181-189, 191-193.