B2.5 Add and subtract fractions with like denominators, in various contexts.

Activity 1: The Race

Present the following scenario to students:

As part of his training for a race, William must run at least 6 1/10 km a day. This morning, before going to school, he ran 3 1/10 km. How many kilometres does he need to run after school?

Ask students the following questions:

  • How can you represent the situation? Which model helps you the most?
  • How would you explain how you use the model to solve the problem to someone who has never used it before?
  • How do you treat the whole number parts in this situation? The fractional parts?
  • What might be a similar situation?

Source: adapted from Guide d'enseignement efficace des mathématiques de la 4e à la 6e année, p. 93.

Activity 2: Ben's Party

Kim, Leo and Suki are guests at Ben's house. His mother offers them some cake. Leo eats 2/6 of the cake. Ben, Kim and Suki each eat 1/6. Ben's mother is worried that she won't have enough cake for Ben's grandparents, so she takes out 3/6 of another cake.

  1. What fraction of the cake did the friends eat?
  2. What fraction represents the amount of cake left before Ben's mother takes out more?
  3. What improper fraction and what mixed number represent the total amount of cake available at the party for Ben's friends and grandparents?

Source: En avant, les maths! 5e annnée, ML, Nombres, p. 7-8.