B2.2 Understand and recall commonly used percents, fractions, and decimal equivalents.

Skill: Understanding and Recalling Commonly Used Percents, Fractions and Decimal Equivalents

We know that a terminating decimal number represents a fraction whose denominator is a power of 10 (for example, \(0.3\; = \frac{3}{{10}}\;\); \(0.47 \;= \frac{{47}}{{100}}\;\)). Because the concept of percent is closely connected to the concept of fraction, there is only one step to take to connect the percent with the decimal number and the decimal fraction. By the intermediate grades, students who have acquired a good sense of number can move from one representation to another without difficulty.

Source: Guide d'enseignement efficace des mathématiques de la 4e à la 6e année, p. 50.


To help students develop this skill, they should be regularly invited to express their answers using another notation. For example, teachers can encourage the student who answered that \(\frac{3}{4}\) of the young people in the class have black hair to also express this answer in decimal notation (0.75) and as a percentage (75%).

Source: Guide d'enseignement efficace des mathématiques de la 4e à la 6e année, p. 51.


The mental representations used by students are reinforced by the use of benchmarks. In general, a benchmark is a reference point. The benchmarks used in the study of decimals and percents are similar to those used in the study of fractions. By making connections between decimals, percents, and fractional benchmarks, students deepen their number sense.

The table below shows some benchmarks that should be part of the students' background. Any percent can be created using the benchmark percents.

Benchmarks for Fractions, Percents and Decimals

Fraction Percent Decimal Number Example of a Mental Representation
\(\frac{1}{{100}}\) 1 % 0,01
\(\frac{1}{20}\) 5 % 0,05
\(\frac{1}{10}\) 10 % 0,1
\(\frac{15}{100}\) 15 % 0,15
\(\frac{1}{4}\) 25 % 0,25
\(\frac{1}{2}\) 50 % 0,5

These benchmarks, as well as the connections between fractions, percents and decimals, help to deepen number sense and are very useful in problem-solving situations. The ability to switch from one notation to another is advantageous because it allows one to use the one that best meets the needs of the moment. For example, a customer who wants to calculate a 50% discount on the price of an item can easily do so if he recognizes that 50% is half (\frac{1}{2}\).

Source: Guide d'enseignement efficace des mathématiques de la 4e à la 6e année, p. 39-40.

Calculating 1% (or 0.01) and 10% (or 0.1) of a quantity can be done mentally by visualizing how the digits of a number change position.

Source : Curriculum de l’Ontario, Programme-cadre de mathématiques de la 1re à la 8e année, 2020, Ministère de l’Éducation de l’Ontario

\(\begin{array}{l}10\;\% \;{\rm{de \; 23}}\;\\23\; \times \;0,1\; = \;2,3\end{array}\)

I visualize a shift of 1 column to the right in the place value chart.

\(\begin{array}{l}1\;\% \;{\rm{de}}\;{\rm{23}}\\23\; \times \;0.01\; = \; 0.23\end{array}\)

I visualize a shift of 2 columns to the right in the place value chart.

Students often mistakenly believe that a percent cannot exceed 100 (100%). However, there are situations in everyday life that lead to percents greater than 100%. For understanding, these situations can be explored using concrete or semi-concrete representations where quantities are related to the whole. Fractional or decimal notation can also be used.

Example 1

Following a 25% increase, it can be stated that the new quantity is 125% of the original quantity.

Thus, the new quantity is 125 hundredths of the original quantity or 125% of the original quantity. However, an increase of 125% means that 125% of the whole is added to the original quantity. The new quantity is then 225 hundredths of the original quantity or 225% of the original quantity.

Example 2

During a fundraising event, the students of L'Envolée School set a goal of $2 000. At the end of the fundraiser, they raised $4 000. What percentage of their goal was raised?

\(\begin{array}{l}100\;\% \;{\rm{de}}\;{\rm{2}}\;{\rm{000}}\;{\rm{\$ }}\;{\rm{ = }}\;{\rm{2}}\;{\rm{000}}\;{\rm{\$ }}\\200\;\% \;{\ rm{of}}\;{\rm{2}}\;{\rm{000}}\;{\rm{\$ }}\;{\rm{ = }}\;{\rm{4} }\;{\rm{000}}\;{\rm{\$ }}\end{array}\)

Since 100% of the quantity equals the total quantity, or $2 000, then 200% is double that quantity, or $4 000.

Knowledge: Decimal Numbers

A decimal number is a number that has a decimal point, such as 3.75. The part before the decimal point represents a whole number amount, and the part after the decimal point represents a value that is less than one.


\(3.72\;{\rm{and}} \; 12.135\;64\)

The set of decimal numbers includes all integers, because integers can be expressed with a decimal part.


\(3\; = \;3.0\)

Source: Guide d'enseignement efficace des mathématiques de la 4e à la 6e année, p. 28.

Knowledge: Fractions

The word fraction comes from the Latin fractio which means "break". A part of a broken object can therefore represent a fraction, because it is a part of a whole. However, in order to determine a fraction of an object divided into parts, the parts must be equivalent. Note that when we talk about equivalent parts, we are not necessarily talking about identical shapes, although these are easier to use. The representations of 1 fourth (\frac{1}{4}) in the example below are based on the area of the whole. Since each whole has an area of 16 square units, each fourth has an area of 4 square units. Despite their different shapes, each of these fourths represents an equivalent part of the same whole.


6 equivalent representations of 1 fourth \(\frac{1}{4}\) of the same whole.

It is important for students to understand that the more the whole is broken up, the smaller its parts are


The fourths of a whole are bigger than the tenths of the same whole.

Source: Guide d'enseignement efficace des mathématiques de la 4e à la 6e année, p. 33.

Knowledge: Percent

Percent is a special way of presenting a fraction. It is often used in everyday life. A numerical expression such as 30% (which reads "30 percent") is actually another representation of the number 30 hundredths, or 0.30. To facilitate understanding of the concept of percent, students should first make the connection between percent and the fraction with a denominator of 100, using concrete or semi-concrete materials.


Students should also realize that a percent represents a ratio to 100 (for example, 30% is the ratio of 30:100). It is important to note that a result expressed as a percent does not mean that the quantity in question is necessarily composed of 100 parts, as explained in the following table.

Representation Percent Instructional notes

75% of the circles are green. Even if 75% of the circles are green, it does not mean that there are 100 circles in the whole. However, if there were 100 circles, there would be 75 green circles. Also, the fraction of circles that are green is equivalent to \(\frac{{75}}{{100}}\)(for example, \(\frac{3}{4}\; = \;\frac{75}{{100}}\) and \(\frac{{150}}{{200}}\; = \;\frac{75}{100}\).

50% of the land is covered with grass. Even if 50% of the field is covered with grass, it cannot be said that the field has an area of 100 m2. But we can say that for every 100 m2 of land, 50 m2 is covered by grass. Thus, \(\frac{{2\;000}}{{4\;000}}\; = \;\frac{1}{2}\; = \;\frac{{50}}{{100}}\; = \;50\;\% \).

Source: Guide d'enseignement efficace des mathématiques de la 4e à la 6e année, p. 34-35.