E2.3 Use the relationships between the radius, diameter, and circumference of a circle to explain the formula for finding the circumference and to solve related problems.

Activity 1: Discovering the Formula for the Circumference of a Circle

  1. Choose a circular object, for example, a plate, a mirror, a flying disc (Frisbee).
  2. Cut the string to the length of the diameter of the circular object.
  3. Measure the length of the string to determine the diameter of the object.
  4. Use the piece of string to measure the outline of the object. If necessary, use the masking tape to hold it in place.
  5. How many times did you move the piece of string? Estimate the circumference of the circular object.
  6. Write the data obtained in a table.
  7. Look at the data in the table.
    • What do you notice?
    • Can you determine the regularity?
    • Approximately how many times did you use the string to go around the circular object?
    • Would it be the same regularity to go around a cup, a stool or a lid?
  8. Try to determine as accurately as possible how many times you use the diameter measurement (the string) to measure the circumference.
  9. Were you able to go around the object by iterating the string three times?
  10. Using a fraction, express the missing length you would need to go around the object.
  11. Determine the fraction that represents the length of the piece of string used to make the last measurement of the circumference of the circular object.
  12. What formula would allow you to calculate the circumference of a circular object? Clearly define the variables in your formula.

Source: translated from Activités d'apprentissage, CFORP, 6e année.

Activity 2: Solving a Circumference Problem

I want to buy a round table for my kitchen. Here are the measurements of the ones I am interested in. Which one has the biggest table top? Use a chart to compare the measurements. You can use your calculator to help you.

A round table whose radius measures 66 point 4 centimeters.A round table whose diameter is 132 centimeters.A round table whose circumference is 417 point 83 centimeters.

Source: translated from En avant, les maths!, 7e année, ML, Sens de l’espace, p. 8-9.