E2.2 Solve problems involving angle properties, including the properties of intersecting and parallel lines and of polygons.

Activity: Properties of Intersecting, Parallel and Perpendicular Lines


  • scissors, glue stick or gum
  • Matville Airport activity sheet in multiple copies
  • white construction paper
  • three right angles represented in grey on a transparent matte support
  • large tip markers (red, green and blue)
  • self-adhesive velcro
  • Venn diagram of the three sets

Step 1: Before

Before the Lesson on the Properties of Intersecting, Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

Students work in teams.

Give each team a map of the runways of a small airport (Matville Airport). Students are to cut out the planes on the sheet and place four of them on the runways so that they do not collide if they take off at the same time.

Ask teams to present their work to the rest of the class.

Step 2: During

During the Lesson on the Properties of Intersecting, Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

Present the Venn diagram to the students and review the vocabulary words with them.

Ask students to explain, in their own words, what the words on the diagram mean. Show them an example of intersecting lines drawn on cardboard. 

Ask students to name objects in the classroom on which lines with these properties can be seen.

Provide students with various representations of lines and ask them to classify them on the Venn diagram.

Source: translated from L'@telier - Ressources pédagogiques en ligne (atelier.on.ca).