C2.2 Determine whether given pairs of addition and subtraction expressions are equivalent or not.

Activity 1: Let's Play Cards

Prepare cards with the = sign and the ≠ sign on them, as well as cards like the ones below, made with stickers or illustrations.

A group of cards are used to calculate if each side are equivalent. Each cards have different number of hearts. Example, a card has 2 hearts on one side and 2 hearts on the other.

Group students into teams of two. Each student draws a card. The team members must then determine whether or not the two cards are equivalent. They indicate this with an = card or a ≠ card.

2 cards show an example of an equivalent equation. The first card has 3 hearts on one side and one heart on the other. The second card has 2 hearts on each section.

When students have done several similar activities, write down the symbolic math sentences that represent equality or inequality.


2 cards show an example of an equivalent equation. The first card has 3 hearts on one side and one heart on the other. The second card has 2 hearts on each section. The mathematical equation show: 3, plus, one, equal, 2, plus, 2.


Ask students to help you prepare the cards for the game. They must find all the possibilities of distributing 10 objects on a card divided in two. Do the same for 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Compare the possibilities for each number in a table of values and find patterns. (There are 11 possibilities with 10 objects, 10 possibilities with 9 objects, 9 possibilities with 8 objects, etc.)

Source : L’@telier – Ressources pédagogiques en ligne (atelier.on.ca).

Activity 2: Let's Roll Some Dice!

Divide a placemat, sheet of paper, or shoebox lid into two equal parts by drawing a line.

Have two students roll a die.

Use chips or cubes to represent the roll of one die on one side of the placemat and the amount of the other die on the other side.


4 and 3

A card is divided in 2 parts. First side with black dots and the second side with 3 black dots.

Ask students if the quantities of the two sides are equivalent or not. If the quantities are different, ask students what it would take to make the two sides equivalent.

Ask them to think of several ways; for example, one student may say to remove a chip from the left side. Another student may say to add a chip to the right side, etc. Once students have had several opportunities to explore the concept of equivalence, represent the answers symbolically as well.


4 - 1 = 3

4 = 3 + 1

4 + 1 = 3 + 2

Source : L’@telier – Ressources pédagogiques en ligne (atelier.on.ca).

Activity 3: Representing Expressions

Set up three centres in three different areas of the classroom.

In one centre, provide students with 10 frames and two-coloured tokens (or two-coloured cubes).

In another, provide students with interlocking cubes (in two colours).

In another, provide students with tray scales and interlocking cubes.

Provide students with different expressions involving addition and subtraction, and ask them to check whether or not the expressions are equivalent. Invite students to rotate to explore different ways of representing whether or not pairs of expressions are equivalent.

In the 10 frame centre, select phrases with a sum of 10 or less so that students can see the quantity on both frames.

In the interlocking cubes centre, have students build towers with pairs of addition expressions using two colours of cubes to represent the two terms and then put them side by side to compare.

Facilitate a mathematical exchange with a few pairs of expressions to discuss students' findings. Have them carefully observe the expressions and predict whether they are equivalent, then represent them either with 10 frames or with towers of cubes.

For example, if the expressions are 8 + 2 and 2 + 8, help the students see that the two terms are the same. Represent them to see that the expressions are equivalent. Ask them if this is true for all numbers (conjecture). Then ask them to explore.

Return to the large group to have students orally generalize, for example, if two numbers are added together, the same quantity is obtained, even if the order of the terms is not the same.

Activity 4: Matching Expression Pairs to a Number Line

Prepare pairs of expression cards and cards representing the pairs by hopping on two number lines.

Give half the class cards with pairs of expressions and the other half cards with jumps on two number lines.

Ask students to circulate and find the partner who has the card associated with theirs.

When everyone has found their partner, start the game again.