C1.2 Create and translate patterns using various representations, including shapes and numbers.

Skill: Representing Patterns in Different Ways

Non-Numeric Repeating Patterns

Using multiple representations of the same pattern to communicate understanding is an essential part of developing algebraic thinking. Repeating patterns can be represented using concrete or semi-concrete materials, symbols, or oral descriptions.

Examples of Representation Modes

Representation Modes Examples
Concrete Material Patterns made with :

  • The body (for example sounds, movements, positions)
Example one show how sequence A uses different body different movements

  • objects (for example necklace)
An example of a sequence of a student wearing bead necklace.

Semi-Concrete Material Illustrated Suite

The sequence ‘’C’’, sequence with repetitive pattern: a fire truck and a fireman, repeated 3 times.

Oral Descriptions Pattern A: "This is a pattern because the positions standing with arms outstretched and squatting are always repeated in the same order
Pattern B: "The necklace makes a pattern because the four colours always repeat the same over and over."
Pattern C: "It's a pattern because the pattern core of a fire truck followed by a fireman always repeats in that order."
Symbols Pattern A: The structure of the pattern is AB.
Pattern B: The structure of the pattern is ABCD.
Pattern C : The structure of the pattern is AB.

Students can demonstrate their understanding of the concepts of regularity and relationships and further develop their ability to recognize, describe, and extend a pattern by changing the representation of a pattern without changing the rule. The change can be from one mode to another. For example, a non-number pattern such as the one shown below can be represented with "tap, jump, jump" movements or with small plastic animals "cat, dog, dog".

A sequence of repetitive pattern: green trapezoids, two red diamonds repeated 3 times.

Change can also occur within the same mode of representation.


A sequence of repetitive pattern: two yellow triangles, two red circles, repeated 3 times.A sequence of repetitive pattern: two cars and two house, repeated 3 times.

By representing a pattern with symbols, it is possible to clearly identify its structure. To do this, letters are used in alphabetical order. Each new letter represents a different element in the pattern. In the patterns shown above, the structure is AABB.

Often, multiple representations of the same patterns are a good mathematical justification, as each contributes to the understanding of the ideas presented. The ability to create, interpret, and represent ideas in multiple ways is a powerful tool.

Source : Guide d’enseignement efficace des mathématiques de la maternelle à la 3e année, p. 34-36.

Non-Numeric Growing Pattern

Using multiple representations of the same pattern to communicate understanding is an essential component of the development of algebraic thinking. Non-number patterns with a growing pattern, as well as repeating patterns, can be represented using concrete or semi-concrete materials, symbols, or oral descriptions.

Representation Modes Examples
Concrete Material

A student making a sequence of flowers with geotic forms.

Semi-Concrete Material

A drawing of students done with geomatic forms.

Oral Description "A trunk is always added to the trunk of the tree in the previous row."
Symbols In the drawing above, the pattern rule of the pattern of terms can be represented symbolically by the addition sign and the number (+ 1).


Students use symbols to show their understanding of the rule in a non-numeric growing pattern. These symbols can be numbers as shown in picture A or addition symbols (for example, +3) as in picture B.

Source : Guide d’enseignement efficace des mathématiques de la maternelle à la 3e année, p. 41-42.

Students should have the opportunity to explore and create different representations of the same pattern. For example, students can be asked to exchange their representation and reproduce the pattern using concrete or semi-concrete materials, and vice versa. It is important to focus on the relationship between the two representations so that the focus remains on reasoning and not on numerical calculation.

Number Patterns

The acquisition of concepts related to number patterns is a prerequisite to the study of more abstract algebraic concepts. The exploration of various representations of number patterns facilitates the entry into the world of algebra.

In the primary grades, certain representations facilitate the development of problem-solving, reasoning, and communication skills. The representations of number patterns explored in the primary division are made using concrete or semi-concrete materials (hundred chart, number pocket, number line, number grid), symbols, and oral descriptions.

Examples of Representation Modes

Representation Modes Examples
Concrete Material

Object of concrete material of a calculator.Table of number of, one to 100.

Semi-Concrete Material

A table of number a number line with number 5, 8, 11, 14, 17. Wave tracing show a regularity of 3.

Oral Description

A student writting a numeric sequence on a board.

"The number pattern is: 6 vegetables the 1st week, 12 vegetables the 2nd week, 18 vegetables the 3rd week, 24 vegetables the 4th week and 30 vegetables the 5th week. The pattern rule that my vegetable garden presents is always 6 more vegetables than the previous week."

Symbols In the previous example, the pattern rule in the number pattern is represented by the sign + and the number 6, that is + 6.

Representations of number patterns are made using a variety of concrete and semi-concrete materials. In the following, the types of manipulatives listed below will be used as models to further the understanding of number patterns:

  • number pocket charts;
  • number grid (e.g, hundred chart);
  • number line;
  • calculator.

Number Pocket Charts

There are many pattern rules related to a number pocket chart, and to how the patterns are displayed. In an array of 100, for example, such as the one shown below, a pattern with the pattern rule +2 will be arranged in a row (for example, 61, 63, 65…); if the pattern rule is +10, the pattern will be displayed in a column (for example, 7, 17, 27…); if the pattern rule is +11, it will be displayed in a slanting line (for example, 1, 12, 23…). In a number pocket chart, number cards can easily be moved, rotated, or removed to create patterns.

Table of number of, one to 100.

Number Grid

Here are some possible strategies for exploring number patterns with hundred grid:

  • Use bingo chips to record a pattern on a grid of 100. Using tokens allows students to make changes without having to erase.

Example 1

A drawing of a number grid, starting from one to one hundred. Number 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 32, 36, 40 are highlighted.
  • Use a masking card and move it around the grid to highlight a number pattern. Determine the pattern rule in this pattern and extend it.

Example 2

A numeric table which multiple columns are marked. The first two columns are masked. One line is partially visible. The next 4 lines are masked. The last 4 line are visible.

Pattern: 3, 13, 23, 33, 43, 53, 63, 73, 83, 93

Pattern Rule : +10

  • Introduce sections of the grid and identify a number pattern. Determine the pattern rule in this pattern.

Example 3

A number grid has 16 numbers, 4 lines and 4 columns. The first line has numbers 15 to 18. The second line has numbers 25 to 28. The third line has numbers 35 to 38. The 4th line has numbers 45 to 48.

Pattern: 18, 27, 36, 45

Pattern Rule : +9

When exploring number patterns on a 100 grid, ask questions to develop the ability to represent them. For example:

  • What do you notice about the numbers in the following?
  • What change is there from one number to another in each row or column? (They increase or decrease by 1 or 10.)
  • If the numbers were listed only in the first three rows, how would you determine which box contains the number 65?
  • Where would the number 105 be if the grid was extended? How do you know?
  • If the masking card is moved and the first number is 5, will the number 46 appear? Explain your answer.

Number Line

A numeral line of zero to 6.

Used as a model for discovering pattern rules in patterns, the number line helps to represent a variety of patterns. The representation of the number line can be concrete or semi-concrete.

Mathematical models are mental maps of relationships that can be used as a tool to solve problems. For example, when mathematicians think about a number, they may have a number line in mind. They visualize the numbers in relation to each other on the line and they picture the movements on the line.

(C. T. Fosnot and M. Dolk, Young Mathematicians at Work: Constructing Number Sense, Addition, and Subtraction, 2001, p. 77, as cited in Ontario Ministry of Education, Source: Guide d’enseignement efficace des mathématiques de la maternelle à la 3e année.

Here are some possible strategies for exploring number patterns using a number line:

  • Initially, use a laminated number line on which the pupils can make jumps across the numbers, at regular intervals, by jumping with their fingers or by using any object.
  • Using a number line drawn on a large sheet of paper, students circle the terms in the pattern and indicate, with arrows, the pattern rule in the pattern.
A number line, from 36 to 55. Each term of the sequence is underlined. The rule of regularity is represented by traits that form a bond, left to right, of plus two.

As students explore number patterns using a number line, ask questions such as:

  • Would the number 58 be part of the pattern if the number line were extended?
  • What do you notice about the circled numbers on the number line?
  • What is the pattern rule in the following? How is it indicated?
  • If the pattern started with the number 1, what would be the same? different?
  • If the pattern started with the number 2, what would be the same? different?


The calculator is an electronic tool that allows students to explore numerical regularities and easily extend patterns using the function Constant Factor. Before doing so, it is important to model data entry using a virtual calculator.

It is important to create a coherent vision of what mathematical literacy means in a world where calculators and computers perform mathematical procedures rapidly and where mathematics is constantly evolving and being applied in multiple spheres of activity.

(National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1992b, p. 6, cited in Ontario Ministry of Education, Source : Guide d’enseignement efficace des mathématiques de la maternelle à la 2e année, p. 58).

Example 1

Choose a starting number between 0 and 9. Then add a number to that number continuously; for example :

  • press the numeric key [7];
  • add an interval of 4 by pressing the [+] key, then the numeric key [4];
  • press the [=] key repeatedly;
  • write, as you go along, the corresponding number pattern on a sheet of paper (in this case: 7, 11, 15, 19, 23…);
  • Indicate the pattern rule in the following (+4).

Ask students thought-provoking questions such as:

  • Which numbers always appear in the units position? What changes when the starting number or interval is changed?
  • How many terms does the pattern contain before a unit digit repeats?
  • Do you think that by counting by 4, the number 37 will be displayed? How do you know that?

Example 2

Create, as in example 1, a pattern whose starting number is 23 and whose pattern rule is +12 (23, 35, 47, 59, 71…).

Ask students questions such as:

  • Is there a pattern rule in this pattern? What is it?
  • If the pattern were extended indefinitely, would the number 155 be part of the pattern? What do you need to do to find out?

Example 3

Create, as in the previous examples, a pattern whose starting number is 11 and whose pattern rule is +11 (11, 22, 33, 44, 55…).

Ask students questions such as:

  • If the pattern is extended, what will be the term in the 7th term? The term in the 18th term?
  • Will the number 198 be part of this pattern?

Source : Guide d’enseignement efficace des mathématiques de la maternelle à la 3e année, p. 58-59.

Skill: Creating Various Patterns

Before creating patterns, students must first recognize, compare, describe, change the representation, and extend a wide variety of patterns.

Students demonstrate their understanding of the concept of a relationship or rule by creating a pattern and explaining it.

Initially, the use of manipulatives is essential for representing patterns, because when constructing patterns, students can more easily change one element of the pattern and check the rule. However, by drawing the pattern on paper, students focus more on the pattern to be reproduced rather than examining the entire pattern and thinking about the nature of the pattern.

Initially, teachers have students work in small groups to encourage the exchange of ideas. They can provide them with the attributes and structure of the pattern, as well as the materials required to create it.

During a mathematical discussion (consolidation/debrief), presentations of the patterns help to identify different representations of the same rule and to check how students communicate their understanding.

Next, students can be asked to create a pattern and exchange it with someone else. Students can then construct a different representation of the received pattern, describe its structure, extend it or produce a completely different one for comparison. The number of elements in the pattern should be limited, however, as some students use too many, making it difficult to identify the structure of the pattern.

Here are some examples of activities for creating number patterns:

Example 1

Provide a pattern rule for addition or subtraction (for example, +3 or -3). Have students create different patterns with this pattern rule and compare them.

Example 2

On a 100 grid, ask students to create two patterns in which the numbers 6, 12, 24, 42, and 54 are found and whose addition pattern rule is other than +1.

A number grid, starting from one to one hundred. Every 6 numbers are shaded and every third numbers in covered with a transparent coin until number 57.

Note: The possible patterns which meet the two stated criteria are the patterns whose rule is +2, +3 or +6.

Example 3

Ask students to create two different number patterns in which the numbers 33 and 57 are found and whose addition pattern rule is other than +1.

A number line with number 32 to 58. Number 33 and 57 are circled.

Solution: The possible pattern rules for creating patterns that meet the stated criteria are +2, +3, +4, +6, +8, +12 and +24.

Note: It is important for students to leave a record of their process for reference during the consolidation. For example, they can:

  • circle the terms of each pattern;
  • draw an arrow above each jump to indicate the interval;
  • symbolically represent the pattern rule with a + sign, as in the example below.

Possible Solution

A number line with number 32 to 58. Number 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45 are circled. The rule of regularity is represented by arrows that form bonds form left to right, plus 2.

Source : Guide d’enseignement efficace des mathématiques de la maternelle à la 3e année, p. 39-40 et 63-65.

Skill: Making Connections Between Different Representations

A mathematical relationship is a connection that exists in a particular context between objects, ideas, or numbers.

Source : Guide d’enseignement efficace des mathématiques de la maternelle à la 3e année, p. 18.

Mathematical models are used to study relationships. Over time, mathematicians have created, used, and generalized certain ideas, strategies, and representations to make concepts easier to grasp. Through use, certain representations have become accepted models, for example, the number line and the ten-frame. It is important that students use mathematical models in a variety of activities to understand relationships between quantities.

When faced with a problem situation, several representations are possible; some students use their bodies, manipulatives or drawings, while others represent the data more schematically. The way in which data is appropriated and organized using models reflects the level of development of algebraic thinking. The models explored in the primary and junior grades will differ depending on the students' level of abstraction. The ten frame, the array, the table of values, the open number line, and the double open number line are models to be encouraged in the primary grades.

It is important to use these models and to teach students to use them to help them reason. In representing a problem situation, students analyze relationships using models, draw conclusions, and explain them using oral descriptions. Models are tools that help them formalize their algebraic thinking.

Models applied to multiple contexts promote analysis and introduce students to a level of abstraction that facilitates predictions and generalizations. Dialogue, mathematical discussions about the problem data represented with different models, and questions from teachers provoke student reflection.

Source : Guide d’enseignement efficace des mathématiques de la maternelle à la 3e année, p. 18-21.

Comparing patterns provides a better understanding of their characteristics, promotes reflection, facilitates communication, and allows students to develop their algebraic reasoning.

Source : Guide d’enseignement efficace des mathématiques de la maternelle à la 3e année, p. 59.

Non-Numeric Repeating Patterns

Observing similarities and differences between certain patterns reinforces students' learning and develops their communication skills. Identifying two patterns that are similar requires a higher level of reasoning, and it helps students focus on the relationships that exist between patterns. Understanding relationships is of primary importance, as recognizing relationships later becomes a problem-solving strategy.

When discussing mathematics, students should be led to compare the special characteristics of patterns, such as:

  • the attributes;
  • the choice and quantity of elements in each pattern;
  • the structure of each pattern;
  • the pattern rule.


Pattern 1 Pattern 2

A sequence of repetitive pattern: yellow circle and two blue trapezoids, repeated 3 times.

A sequence with repetitive pattern, ‘’X’’, ‘’O’’, and ‘’O’’, repeated 3 times.

Attributes: shape and colour Attribute: symbols
3 elements pattern : 1 yellow circle and 2 blue trapezoids 3-element pattern: one x symbol and two o symbols
Structure : ABB Structure : ABB
Pattern rule: a yellow circle followed by two blue trapezoids, always in the same order. Pattern rule: the x symbol followed by two o symbols, always in the same order.

The ability to compare patterns facilitates the development of the ability to extend patterns and, subsequently, to create new ones. To get students to create a mental image of a rule, teachers can also have students compare patterns using examples and counterexamples of patterns. This strategy allows students to recognize a pattern, find the recursive relationship or functional relationship, describe it and justify their reasoning while using appropriate mathematical vocabulary.

Example of a pattern with a repeating pattern core:

A sequence of repetitive pattern: yellow circle and two blue trapezoids, repeated 3 times.

Non-example of a pattern - no pattern core:

A pattern done with two elements: one yellow circle, one blue trapezoid, one yellow circle, 3 blue trapezoid, one yellow circle, and two blue trapezoids.

Source : Guide d’enseignement efficace des mathématiques de la maternelle à la 3e année, p. 33-34.

Non-Numeric Growing Pattern

The approaches described above for comparing non-numeric repeating patterns also apply to non-numeric growing patterns.

Source : Guide d’enseignement efficace des mathématiques de la maternelle à la 3e année, p. 40.