D1. Data Literacy
Manage, analyze, and use data to make convincing arguments and informed decisions, in various contexts drawn from real life.
Learning Situation: How Water Rich is Canada?
Total duration: approximately 5 days
Note: This mathematical modelling situation is proposed since a model using graphs can be developed to solve the problem.
Overall and Specific Expectations |
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Skills in Mathematics and the Mathematical Processes A1. Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Skills and the Mathematical Processes: apply, to the best of their ability, a variety of social-emotional learning skills to support their use of the mathematical processes and their learning in connection with the expectations in the other five strands of the mathematics curriculum In this lesson, to the best of their ability, students will learn to maintain positive motivation and perseverance and to think critically and creatively as they apply the mathematical processes connecting (make connections among mathematical concepts, procedures, and representations, and relate mathematical ideas to other contexts (for example, other curriculum areas, daily life, sports) so they can recognize that testing out different approaches to problems and learning from mistakes is an important part of the learning process, and is aided by a sense of optimism and hope. Algebra C4. Apply the process of mathematical modelling to represent, analyze, make predictions, and provide insight into real-life situations. Science and Technology Assess the impact of human activities and technologies on the sustainability of water resources. Geography B2.2 Gather and organize data and information from a variety of sources and using various technologies to investigate issues related to global development and quality of life from a geographic perspective. |
Learning Goals |
Success Criteria |
Prior Learning |
Students should have prior knowledge of the following:
Resources and Materials
Here are some web resources that will help students with their research.
- Water in Canada Information
- Canada's Water Supply
- Water Use
- Water Use - Industrial and Household
- Fresh Water Supply and Demand
- Canada's Population Increase
- Canada’s Population Over Time
- Canada’s Water Run Off Map
- Making Waves Journal Article
- Process of Mathematical Modelling sheet
- OntarioMath.Support Webinar 3 - Mathematical Modelling
For online/hybrid learning, small groups could be set up ahead of time. This could be facilitated via breakout rooms, depending on the different district conferencing tools used. In the breakout rooms, students could work together to generate questions and make assumptions. They could use a virtual recording tool to support their discussions, such as shared slides, Google Jamboard, Microsoft Whiteboard, Padlet depending on district tools (recording tool). This will also create a record of their work in order to communicate clearly with each other and the teacher.
Learning and Teaching Activities
Understand the Situation
Student Moves |
Teacher Moves |
Minds-On Activity As a class, students will discuss what does it mean to be a water rich country?
Understanding the Problem Students are presented with the real life messy problem of identifying when Canada will no longer be a water rich country? Part 1 In small groups, students are encouraged to brainstorm a list of factors that contribute to Canada's water richness.
Part 2 The students will come back together as a class and discuss all the factors the groups determined. Students will add to their own list of factors. |
Minds-On Activity Ask the students “What does it mean to be a water-rich country?”. Teacher will record student opinions and ideas and sort them into various categories (for example, financial, population, environmental aspects).
Understanding the Problem The goal of this lesson is for the students to determine at what point is Canada no longer a water rich country? Part 1 Teacher Poses modeling question to students: “How long is Canada going to be a water rich country?” The teacher will circulate as groups brainstorm. Questions:
Part 2 Teacher chooses a method that students share their ideas (for example, gallery walk, expert jigsaw, inside-outside circle, write in on the board). Possible factors that could affect water richness:
Opportunities for Differentiation As groups meet and discuss the situation they have been posed, the teacher can make observations and make determinations whether intervention or support is necessary. Students could be provided with a set of assumption sentences that either match the current situation or do not (see “Part 2” sample possible factors for ideas). |
Analyze the Situation
Student Moves |
Teacher Moves |
Part 1 From the list of factors, students will determine what assumptions they have made. Discuss as a class how these assumptions relate to the factors they created earlier. Part 2 Teachers will let the students know that they need to decide which issues have the most impact on a country’s water supply. Students will go back in their groups and rank the issues that are going to affect the amount of water the most and what information they will need to assess the issues. Then discuss it as a whole class.
Part 3 Work through one issue as a class if necessary. Part 4 Students then go in groups to research and find numerical data relating to the list of factors that they determined are the most important from the co-created list. Students can be provided with sample links (Websites).
Part 5 Groups will then present the research they collected to the class.
During this stage, the teacher acts as the facilitator. He/she encourages students to identify any and all assumptions that they are making as they dive deeper into the problem. Part 1 The teacher will ask the students what assumptions the students need to make to more fully understand the factors (i.e., what factors might continue to change over time, which factors might stay the same?). The teacher will capture student assumptions and record. Some possible assumptions could be:
Part 2 Now that students understand the assumptions they are making through understanding this problem, they can now dive deeper into sorting and prioritizing those factors into ones they can solve with numbers. Circulate as students prioritize their list of factors. After the students have ranked the issues, encourage your students to make a list of all the information that they still need in order to solve this situation. Part 3 Pick an issue that is low on most groups’ lists. What information is needed to determine how this issue affects Canada’s water? This can be done if necessary. Part 4 The teacher will prompt the students to identify any factors that can be solved using mathematics. From this list, student groups can choose which factor they want to find solutions for (for example, population growth). Questions:
Part 5 Teacher brings the class back together and each group presents the research collected. After all groups have presented, a class discussion can follow which identifies which factors have yet to be determined, if they are necessary in order to create a model. |
Opportunities for Differentiation The teacher could model for a small group, the process by which an issue/factor/assumption can be researched. Teachers could direct students to identify and choose only 2 or 3 factors they want to research and use to create their model. |
Create a Mathematical Model
Student Moves |
Teacher Moves |
In groups, students are creating a visual representation that would show a possible timeline for how long Canada would remain water rich.
Teacher reviews with the students that the goal of the model is to predict when Canada will no longer be a water rich country. Models could include:
Student models will differ depending on the factors and assumptions that students decide to focus on. The teacher will look for any misconceptions. They will decide if any are common enough to call to the attention of the entire class, or they can be addressed individually or within the group. The teacher will look out for students who really need to revisit “understand the problem” or “analyze the situation” (Are students struggling with creating a plan because there is something about the situation that they do not fully understand? Are they struggling because they need to make an assumption to narrow down the problem? Did they make an unnecessary assumption that is preventing them from making a fulsome model?) |
Analyze and Assess the Model
Student Moves |
Teacher Moves |
Students can present their model to students in a gallery walk/ carousel, or a virtual video.
As the students analyze their peers' models, they may soon realize that their model may be missing certain components or assumptions. Students can then use those observations to make improvements to their own model. After students have improved their models, the class will come together and students will help the teacher co-create a master list of criteria for analyzing the models. Students will reflect on, be prepared to justify and present their judgment of Canada’s waters richness based on the information provided by their model, considering the answers to the following:
After students have created their model, it is time to analyze their methods. A first step towards analyzing the model is asking the students if their model addresses the situation they were presented. Below is a list of questions that the students could ask themselves while analyzing and assessing their model.
Teachers could create a checklist of items/considerations that the models should include. Students can use that checklist as a self-assessment opportunity.
Consolidation of Learning
Student Moves |
Teacher Moves |
Now that students have made improvements to the reasonableness of their models and created an assessment checklist, students use the created checklist to self-assess their model. Students reflect on the Process of Mathematical Modelling and share, during a class discussion, the process that they took as a group. |
The teacher will facilitate a class discussion and the creation of a sketchnote or consolidation chart whereby the teacher, with the help of the students, will identify the mathematics that was involved in the creation of their models. The teacher will also need to facilitate a conversation around the reasonableness of student models. After assessing their own models, students present their models to their peers and ask for feedback for improvement. Students would look to other models to identify any assumptions they did not make, any research they did not consider, etc. Students would then be given time to read the peer feedback and make any adjustments to their model. The teacher will present the students with the Process of Mathematical Modelling sheet and ask them to what degree it represents the process they undertook. The teacher will further students’ reflections on the mathematical process by asking questions, such as:
Allow students to add their own ideas, questions and reminders to the schema. |
Further Consolidation/Next Steps for Students and Teachers:
Students could be asked to create a persuasive writing piece to a government agency that discusses the findings of Canada’s water richness.
Media Literacy
Students could create an infographic or media text that informs people of the issues of Canada’s water resources.
Students discuss actions that society can take to conserve and sustain Canada’s water richness longer.
Source: OAME, Lesson and Assessment Plan - How Water Rich Is Canada?