B1.4 Use fractions, decimal numbers, and percents, including percents of more than 100% or less than 1%, interchangeably and flexibly to solve a variety of problems.

Activity 1: Number Line Game

This interactive activity allows students to practice locating fractions, decimals and percents on a number line.

Instructional note: This type of activity should be supported by the use of concrete or semi-concrete materials to properly represent the relationships between fractions, decimal numbers and corresponding percents.

Source: L'@telier - Online Educational Resources (atelier.on.ca).

Activity 2: Let's Compare Numbers (Fractions, Decimals, Percents)


  • small blank cards
  • black felt-tip pen
  • calculator

Students are given five small blank square cards (approximately \(5\;{\rm{cm}}\; \times \;{\rm{5}}\;{\rm{cm}}\)).

Tell students to write a number on each card. They must write a whole number, an integer, a fraction, a decimal and a percent. Target certain students to ensure that there are percents over 100% and under 1%.

The student prepares a table with three columns like this:

Fractions Decimal Numbers Percents

Each student gives their 5 cards to another student in the class. The student has the task of placing each number (5) in the correct column of the chart and then converting them into the other forms, making sure to maintain equivalence.

Activity 3: What's the Best Deal? (Solving Problems Involving Percents, Decimals and Fractions)

Prepare paper strips with statements about purchasing goods.

Place the strips (10-12) in an envelope. The same statements can be repeated in the other envelopes.

Form teams of 2 to 3 people.

Distribute an envelope to each team. In turn, each student chooses a strip, and places it in view of everyone. Individually, the student chooses the statement that represents the best discount. Then, as a team, they justify their choice with calculations or by explaining their reasoning. Students who choose the correct statement receive a point.

Review the problem statements as a class. It is important to highlight students' different computational strategies.

Examples of statements

Strip 1: A ski jacket is on sale. The store offers two purchase options:

  1. The store is offering a 10% discount on the original price of the jacket.
  2. The store sells the jacket for 85% of the original price.

Which option do you choose? Justify your choice.

Strip 2: A pair of sneakers can be purchased at a discount at the sports store.

Options :

  1. The store sells the sneakers at \frac{3}{4}\ of the original price.
  2. Sneakers are 20% off.

Which option do you choose? Justify your choice.

Strip 3: The local music store advertises an electric guitar for sale.

Options :

  1. The guitar is half price.
  2. The guitar is sold at 60% of the original price.

Which option do you choose? Justify your choice.

Activity 4: Unusual Percents (% Greater Than 100% and Smaller Than 1%)

Prepare a deck of cards (minimum 20 cards) with numbers written in % (more than 100% and less than 1%) and with their equivalent written as a decimal number. Divide students into teams of 2. One student shuffles the cards, placing them with the number hidden (face down). In turn, each student picks two cards. They must find two equivalent numbers to form a pair. The student with the most pairs wins.

Examples of cards

Card 1: 150%

Card 2: 0.05%

Card 3: 250%

Card 4: 0.2

Equivalent card : 1.5

Equivalent card : 0.0005

Equivalent card : 2.5

Equivalent card: 0.002


Once the pairs are completed, ask students to find the fraction equivalent to the numbers in the chosen pair.

Activity 5: To Learn More


This activity integrates concepts in numbers, health and physical education and Language Arts.

Today's youth are bombarded with information. Critical reading of excerpts from informational and advertising articles and pamphlets contributes to the development of good judgment and enables students to make informed decisions about their health.

Have students read excerpts from various documents (see Appendix B) and encourage them to think about the numbers presented by asking questions such as:

Excerpt A

  • There is a 10% gap between boys and girls. Is that a lot?
  • Using our class as a model, how many girls and boys are not active enough, according to these results?

Excerpt B

  • The excerpt could have read, "Since 1981, childhood obesity rates have increased from 5% to 16.6% for boys and from 5% to 14.6% for girls." What effect does the addition of the term tripled have?
  • If we triple the number 5, we get 15. Why is the term tripled used?
  • Why are the 16.6% and 14.6% data presented?

Excerpt C

  • Do the majority of Canadians believe that children and youth spend too much time on non-physical activities?
  • Approximately what fraction of the Canadian population shares this opinion?

Excerpt D

  • Why did the author calculate the grams to the nearest hundredth?
  • What is the apple made of?

Excerpt E

  • What does the decimal number 2.4 represent in the excerpt?
  • What is the advantage to the reader of expressing this quantity using a decimal number (2.4 million) instead of a whole number (2,400,000)?
  • How many adults used food banks in 1995?

Excerpt F

  • Why is the expression "most" used in the extract?
  • What percent of Canadians floss daily?

Excerpt G

  • What do the expressions 2.7 times more and 2.5 times more mean in this excerpt?
  • Why do we use a decimal number in these expressions?

Excerpt H

  • Which is greater: 1 for 6 in 2025 or 1 for 10 in 2000?
  • At the current rate, how many millions will the number of deaths from smoking increase in 25 years?

Excerpt I

  • Why can a product marked "sugar free" contain sugar?
  • What could weigh about 0.5 g?
  • Why not use milligrams as the unit of measurement?

Excerpt J

  • From these statistics, is it possible to tell how many 10- to 14-year-old pedestrians have died?
  • What does the 27.5% represent?

Source : Guide d’enseignement efficace des mathématiques de la 4e à la 6e année, p. 122-123.