E1.2 Make objects and models using appropriate scales, given their top, front, and side views or their perspective views.

Activity 1: Build Objects and Models at Appropriate Scales

Example 1 

  • Make a model from the drawings below.
  • Using a 1:10 scale, determine the area of the base of the actual structure.
Image 3 drawings represent the side, front and top views of a structure. The side view. The structure is placed in the upper left corner of a square. It is shaped like an upside down "L". The surface is covered with dotted lines that represent depth.Seen from the front, in a rectangle of ten centimeters by "12 " centimeters, two small rectangles are placed on top of each other. The first one occupies the upper right corner. Their measurements are identical, one side is "4" centimeters. The first small one has diagonal lines. To show the depth. The second rectangle has dotted lines which shows less depth. Seen from above, in a rectangle that measures ten centimeters by "12" centimeters, are two small rectangles placed side by side. One of them is placed in the lower left corner. The two small rectangles are identical and measure "6" centimeters in length and "4" centimeters in width. The leftmost rectangle has diagonal lines to show depth. And the other rectangle has dotted lines to show less depth.

Example 2

  • Make a model from the drawings below.
  • Using a 1:10 scale, determine the area of the base of the actual structure.
Image Front view of a U-shaped structure design. The base is ten centimeters. Side view, a rectangle 5 centimeters wide, the rectangle is crossed by a hidden line, which is used to show surfaces that are not directly visible Top view, a rectangle, framed on the right and left by another rectangle of the same height, but not as wide.

Source: translated from En avant, les maths!, 8e année, ML, Sens de l’espace, p. 13-14.