E2.3 Solve problems involving the perimeter, circumference, area, volume, and surface area of composite two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects, using appropriate formulas.

Activity 1: Lemonade Container (Volume and Total Area)

Create a scale drawing showing the dimensions of a structure that could serve as a container for lemonade sold by a new business. It must be composed of at least two three-dimensional objects (prisms and/or cylinders). One third of this structure, made of thin aluminum, should be painted blue, and the rest should be painted yellow.

  • Calculate the total volume of this container.
  • If a small can of yellow aluminum paint covers 400 square centimetres, how many cans would be needed to cover the yellow area?

Activity 2: Snowman (Volume, Circumference, Total Area)

Create a scale drawing showing the dimensions of a snow structure composed of at least five three-dimensional objects (prisms and/or cylinders). Determine the volume of snow that will be needed to create the structure.

  • You fill a cylindrical container that is 50 cm high with snow, what is the circumference required to hold all the snow needed for your structure?
  • If you wanted to cover it completely with fabric, what would be the area of the fabric?